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It had been about 3 days and I was sitting in my office working on the second chapter of the book. Marcus wasn't too happy I was home already and wasn't sure how I was going to make it into a full story but I was determined to figure it out.

I gave my assistant time off to go home and visit her family for the holidays. I just wanted to be left alone. I was sitting in my office again just looking at my computer screen annoyed. I shoved my chair back and got up. I grabbed my glass of wine and walked to the big window looking down at the park. My cellphone started to ring and I saw a facetime from Oliver.

"Hey." I said answering him.

"Hey, how are you?" Oliver asked and I shrugged.

"Lonely...maybe I should get a dog." I said and he huffed an annoyed laugh.

"Or just bring your ass back home." Oliver said and I sighed.

"I'm not wanted, shit is hitting the fan too much. I will just be home next week for thanksgiving. I'm not staying but I will be home." I said and Oliver sighed. I could tell he was walking into the bar and I sighed.

"Anything fun happening?" I asked and he walked over to a table and the phone was taken. I saw Nat sitting there with Bucky.

"Hey! Come home! We miss you!" Nat said and I gave a small smile.

"I would come back but I'm not wanted." I said and I heard someone grumble and I knew exactly who it was.

"Forget Steve, we all want you here. He can leave town if he doesn't like it." Bucky said. I smiled at that fact.

"Stop guys, we aren't pitting someone against someone else in the group...even though it was done to me when I left town the first time..." I trailed off and the phone was taken from Nat.

"Maybe you did that to yourself for not coming back, get the story right." Steve said and I hung up. I didn't need that from him.


"So it's not enough you run my sister out of town and away from our sick mother now you jump down her throat." Oliver said and I groaned.

"I didn't make her leave..." I said taking my swig of beer.

"Didn't make her leave?! You told her to go!" Oliver said. He clenched his fists at his side and Bucky noticed.

"Hey, let's get some air." Bucky said taking Oliver outside. I felt her eyes on me.

"Don't start Nat." I said.

"Steve...does your attitude now stem to what you found at Sharon's place that morning?" Nat asked.

"Shut it Nat." I said through gritted teeth.

"No I won't! You found Sharon and John in bed together, naked. So pretty obvious what they did! You jumped on Charlie and yet your girlfriend cheated on you with her ex-husband, nonetheless. Can you maybe be taking the anger from that out on the wrong person and people?" Nat asked. I just ignored her, threw some money on the table and left the bar. I passed Bucky and Oliver on my way out.

"Where are you going?!" Bucky yelled after me.

"Anywhere but here." I said and got to my truck.

Where was I going? I had no clue where I was going when I got in my truck and just drove until I arrived at the place, I didn't think I would end up.


I got the call from my brother a few hours ago and everything had been silent since. I was back to writing when there was a knock on my door. I figured it was Marcus coming to check on me since he had been calling and I was ignoring him. I got up and walked to the door. I was surprised when I saw him standing there.

"What the fuck Rogers?!" I asked and he groaned walking past me.

"So, this what you left all of us for? This place?" Steve asked and I groaned.

"Yes, now get out and go back home." I said still standing with the door open.

"Not gonna happen honeykins because see everyone back home is blaming me for you leaving." Steve said and I glared at him calling me the nickname he called me in high school that he knew annoyed me.

"First of all, don't call me that nickname and second of all, you are the reason I left." I said.

"Well, I was going to call you abandoner, but I thought that would be too harsh." Steve said and I finally just slammed my door shut.

"What do you want Steve? How did you find out where I lived?!"

"Your mom and dad. I went to their house after the bar and said we needed to talk." Steve said and I shook my head.

"They have these inventions on the telephone. Even really nifty ones now that are portable called cellphones." I said and he growled.

"Stop Charlie, please..." Steve said and I groaned.

"Why are you here? I know you said to talk but why?" I asked and he sighed.

"Can we just sit and talk?" He asked and I nodded motioning to the couch.

"You want some whiskey?" I asked and he nodded. 

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