Welcome to Ashland

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I didn't live exactly in Boston like everyone had been led to believe. It was a much smaller town called Ashland and it was a half hour away from Boston. It was a quiet little town, and I wasn't sure how me returning would be perceived. I left home when I was 18, I needed to travel and find myself. I left behind family, friends and a boyfriend who would have gone to the ends of the earth for me.

Along my travels all over I wrote my first book about my life growing up in a small town and once I ended up in New York I found a publisher who loved the book, and it was published. My mom was so happy for me, the only person in my family who was happy. This was 12 years ago. I traveled for about a year a half then ended up in New York. I was being pushed to write another book. I had been writing for some columns or short stories for magazines and newspapers, but it was time for another book.

I drove in a haze and wasn't sure what to expect when I got to my hometown. After hours of driving, I was arriving. I pulled off to the side of the road, parked, got out of my car and just looked at the Welcome to Ashland sign. I just sighed and gave a small smile, I never wanted to come back home but my mom needed me and that was all that mattered. I got back in my car after a couple of minutes of just standing there staring at the sign and the town off in the distance. I drove the old streets back to the house where my life had been for 18 years. When I pulled up out front, I saw my brother leaning on his car in the driveway. He saw me and semi smiled. I got out of my car and walked up to him.

"The famous writer daughter returns home..." Oliver said and pulled me into a hug. There was so much emotion in his hug I just let him do it.

"Where is she?" I asked when we broke apart.

"Inside, she doesn't want to be at a hospital." Oliver said.

"How advanced is it?" I questioned.

"Not too advanced, the doctors are hopeful that chemo could work." Oliver said and I gave a small smile.

"Do they know you called me?" I asked and Oliver looked at the ground.

"Oliver!" I said and punched his shoulder.

"Mom and dad both said not to bug you since it wasn't that bad but Aunt Pepper, Uncle Tony and I made the choice that you needed to know." Oliver said and I sighed.

"Well, I better get this over with..." I trailed off and headed towards the house. Oliver was in front of me and opened the door. Once I stepped inside it was like nothing had changed in 12 years. I looked in the living room and saw my mom, dad, Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony having tea and talking.

"Look who I found wondering around outside." Oliver said as I came into view. Everyone looked shocked

to see me.

"Charlie?!" My dad asked standing up and rushing to hug me.

"Can we still call you Charlie?" He asked as we hugged. I smiled, my family and friends always called me Charlie and I loved it.

"Of course." I said as we broke apart. I gave my Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony a hug then moved to my mom who didn't stand up and I understood. I bent down and hugged her almost refusing to let go.

"Charlie, my baby girl." My mom said.

"Hey momma." I said hugging her. I then kissed her cheek.

"To what do we owe this visit?" My dad asked and I just looked at him a little shocked.

"You really thought Oliver, Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony weren't going to call me and tell me?" I questioned. My dad and mom looked at Oliver, Pepper and Tony.

"We said not to bug her." My mom, Myra said to everyone.

"I'm happy they did! I'm more upset that you didn't want to tell me." I said.

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