Christmas Eve

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Steve and I had just left the diner after having our friend's dinner together and we were headed back to Steve's place to do present and spend some time together before he took me to my parent's place since I would be staying there to be there Christmas morning. Once we got to Steve's house, I went to set up his tree turning on the lights as he got us something to drink in the kitchen. I smiled seeing the few gifts under the tree and then sighed.

If I had come back when I was supposed to Steve, and I would be married by now with some kids and the presents under the tree would be overflowing. I felt Steve wrapped his arms my waist.

"Hey, you okay?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Just thinking how I fucked up our lives, no big deal." I said and Steve huffed a laugh, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"And how exactly did that happen?" Steve asked.

"I didn't come back. If I had come back after the summer, we could have been married with a few kids right now. Christmas could be filled with laughter, presents all over the place...all of it." I said and Steve sighed and kissed my cheek.

"We can still have that, Charlie. Just have to get started now." Steve said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I know..." I said and turned in his grip. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "So what do you say in the new year we start trying for that family?" I asked and he smiled.

"Really?" Steve asked with a smile, and I nodded.

"In fact, we could use some practice..." I said taking Steve's hand and pulling him back towards his bedroom.

"Don't you want to do present first?" Steve asked and I smiled.

"One of yours is under my clothes." I said and Steve moaned as we walked back to his room. Once inside I pushed him down to sit on the bed and he just looked at me.

"You will just sit and watch." I said and he smiled.

"Excuse me? Give me orders?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"You going to follow the rules? I mean I could always go home." I said and Steve groaned. Then sat on his hands and I laughed.

"I will sit here and be good." Steve said and I smiled. I leaned down to him and passionately kissed him.

I backed away from him and slowly started to strip my cloth off. I unbuttoned my jeans and undid the zipper but them on. I then started to unbutton my flannel long sleeves shirt I had on. I left all buttons undone except for the one where you would be able to see my bra. I then took my hair from the ponytail I had it in. I saw Steve's face tensing up, he was wanting to rip my clothes off. I smiled at him and then pushed my jeans down and revealed the red thong that had ties on either side. Steve groaned to himself. I saw his jeans start to tent and I smiled. I then undid the last button on my shirt and slowly slid it from my body. The bra matched the panties only have a tie in the front. I slowly walked over to Steve and straddled his lap and started rubbing on him.

"You like the set?" I asked and Steve groaned.

"I need to touch you Charlie." Steve growled and I shook my head.

"That would put you on the naughty list if you don't listen to Steve." I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and passionately kissed him. Once our lips broke apart, I kissed Steve's neck and up to his ear.

"Do you want to me inside of me Steve? You want to fuck me?" I whispered in his ear. He growled and in one quick motion he gripped my hips, flipped me to my back on the bed and was hovering over me.

"I don't give a shit about the naughty list anymore. I will get coal forever to have you right now." Steve said as I giggled. He started to untie the thong and I moaned as his fingertips trailed my skin. He leaned down and passionately kissed me and started to untie the bra. I giggled once it was all off and I looked at him fully clothed.

"Are you are going to do anything with your clothes on Rogers?" I asked and he laughed as he stood up and quickly undressed. He wasted no time and lined himself up with me and I smiled as he did, and I wrapped my legs around him.

"Ready huh?" Steve said and I nodded. Steve then got resituated and pulled me to sit in his lap and I smiled feeling him slowly enter me as I went down on him.

"Oh god." I cried out throwing my head back, Steve took that chance and started peppering my neck with kisses. I started moving on Steve and he placed his hand on my back and I felt safe crushed against him. It seemed like he had superhuman strength. He was holding me against him so tight, but I didn't feel pain or uncomfortableness only pleasure. Soon I felt myself tightening around Steve and he moaned at the sudden feeling.

"I need you, all of you." Steve said and I smiled as I bore down on him harder, and he moaned as I did. I took him all the way to the hilt as I passionately kissed him. Once I released, Steve was right behind me. He laid me down on the bed still hovering over me and inside of me. I swirled on him, and he shuttered, I knew he was sensitive, and I laughed. He pulled out of me and got out of bed putting on his boxers and tossing me a t-shirt from his dresser. I saw him look at something in the drawer in his dresser and then close it.

"Steve?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's okay Charlie, just a certain ring I have been holding for someone." Steve said and I sighed.

"Steve..." I said and he just shook his head but didn't get back in bed.

"You want to go do gifts?" Steve asked and we headed into the living room after I put on a pair of Steve's sweatpants as well.

Once we got to the living room and I could tell Steve was thinking about the engagement ring the entire time we were in the living room. I grabbed the gifts from under the tree and handed Steve his. He quickly ripped the packaging open and then looked at it.

"Oh Charlie..." Chris said. He was looking at a book I had made. The cover was tons of pictures of us.

"Every chapter is a favorite memory or story from our life together, with pictures. It's out love story Chris." I said. He smiled, leaned over and passionately kissed me. He then handed me his gift for me, I opened it and smiled. It was a small bound book of pictures of Steve, and I started with homecoming our freshman year and just throughout the years up until a few weeks ago to a picture we took. Only thing was all pictures were drawn by Steve.

"How long have you been working on this?" I asked in shock.

"It wasn't hard to draw you, you are my muse, Charlie. I loved doing these." Steve said. I gave him another kiss.

"I love it so much. Thank you." I said and Steve smiled. I cuddled into his side, and we relaxed on the couch.

"Charlie..." Steve said, and I looked up at him from where my head was resting on his chest.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I know I said would wait, but I can't, and I just want to have a future with you. We know we will have it. We mentioned started a family after the new year. I want it all with you Charlie. You wrote our love story, but I think there is plenty more to go. Will you please marry me?" Steve said. He pulled the ring out. I didn't even see him grab it as I was putting on a pair of sweatpants in his room.

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