Double Date

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I was coming down the stairs a few days after the bar in a simple black dress that had a flower design on it and a jean jacket.

"You look cute, you have plans?" Myra asked and I smiled.

"Yeah, John Walker and I are going out bowling. Double date with Sam and Wanda." I said.

"Why Wanda and Sam?" Cliff asked and I smiled.

"Well I miss them, Sam is finally coming around, also Bucky and Nat were supposed to come but Bucky hates John so...he refused to come." I said and we all gave a small laugh.

"Is John picking you up?" Myra asked and I shook my head.

"Uh, no...I wanted to drive myself. I thought it would be better." I said and they both nodded. I walked over and kissed both their cheeks and walked out.

"Okay well be safe and have fun." Cliff said as I walked out of the house. I drove to the local bowling alley and headed inside seeing Sam and Wanda waiting for me but no John.

"Is he here?" I asked as I hugged them both.

"Not yet..." Sam said and I groaned.

"I swear if he stands me up..." I said as Wanda linked her arm in mine.

"I'm sure he will be here." Sam said. No sooner did her finish the sentence the John walked in. I smiled as he walked over and hugged me then Wanda and shook Sam's hand.

"Hey, I was worried." I said and he chuckled.

"Sorry someone called right before I left." John said and I nodded.

"Well let's go get our lane." I said as we headed to counter.


We were all having a good time. I was surprised how much fun I was actually having and didn't have to worry about what was being said about me, I didn't care anymore.

"So how long are you planning on staying town?" John asked as we sat at the table at our lane as Sam and Wanda went to get food and beer.

"Not exactly sure honestly. There are some family things keeping me and I kind of miss the town. I mean Halloween is right around the corner so that's always fun here, then Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's always something here around that time." I said and he smiled.

"Well it will be nice to have you in town for everything." John said and I smiled. He reached across the table and took my hand. I smiled as it seemed that our hands fit well together.

"So I know why you did the double date and honestly I'm not mad but will I get to take you out by myself soon?" John asked and I smiled with a nod.

"What about tomorrow night?" I asked and John smiled.

"Sounds perfect." John said. Sam and Wanda returned with pizza and a pitcher of beer. I smiled as we all got our drinks and put pizza on some paper plates.

"So John, you said you just moved here about a year ago?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah something like that." John said and I looked at him since he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Well he moved here with his now ex-wife since she was from here." Sam blurted out. Wanda smacked his arm and choked on the sip of beer I had just taken.

"You were married?" I asked and John groaned.

"I was. My wife and I lived in Boston. Things were getting tense so we figured small town living would be good. We moved to Ashland but the damage in our marriage was already done so we divorced soon after getting into town." John explained and I nodded.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." I said. John just shook his head.

"It's over and done. I mean me and my ex-wife divorced amicably." John said.

"Any kids involved?" I asked and he huffed a laugh but shook his head.

"No, that was the main problem. I wanted kids, she did not, well at least not with me." John said and I groaned.

"Oh wow..." I said and he shook his head. "Was she having an affair?" I asked.

"No, nothing like that but we moved back to Ashland for a reason. I figured that out the minute we moved back." John said and I nodded.

"Ahh, I get it." I said and John nodded.

"So enough about me and my shitty past. What about you? I mean you up and came home after what...12 years away? How was that?" John asked and I huffed a laugh.

"Well I think we all know how that was. I was hated, rightfully so...I ruined a lot of things with my book. I often think if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have written the damn book and come home to the life I was supposed to live." I said. John shook his head.

"Hell no! You needed to live your life out of the little town. You are meant for greater things. That's why I don't think you will make it here through all the holidays. You will miss New York soon." John said and I shook my head.

"Actually I don't...I missed this place." I said and Sam smiled as did Wanda. John gave a small scoff.

"Listen, you have only been here a year and a shitty year at that. Maybe open your damn eyes and give it a chance." Sam spoke up angered by how John was acting.

"I know, I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover." John said and I nodded.

"Come with me next week to the fall carnival. The high school puts it on but its so much fun. There is a maze and a lot of fun activities." I said and John sighed but smiled.

"Sounds perfect." John said and I smiled at him. I then looked at Sam and he looked towards the door and I turned to look and saw Steve come walking in. He was with Bucky, Nat and Sharon.

"Nice..." I grumbled and Wanda sighed. "Why do I feel like everyone is picking sides or acting like Steve and I are the divorced parents sharing custody?" I asked putting my head in my hands.

"Well you always did give the best gifts for Christmas so that's why I picked you." Sam said making us all laughed. I just threw a napkin at him and he smiled. I watched them go to the pool tables the bowling alley had and I sighed.

"Let's get back to playing, shall we?" I asked and everyone nodded. We went back to bowling and my first throw was a strike and I squealed in excitement.

"Way to go!" John said and picked me up spinning me and I laughed. He then kissed my cheek as he set me down. I smiled at him as he went up and took his turn. This was turning out to be a pretty good night.


When we were leaving John walked me to my car.

"So tomorrow night, can I pick you up for that date?" John asked and I nodded.

"Of course you can. I'll text you my address." I said and he nodded.

"I will pick you up around 7?" John asked and I nodded.

"Sounds amazing." I said. John leaned in to kiss me but I wasn't there yet so I turned my head and his lips met my cheek.

"Good night Charlie." John said and opened my car door for me. Once I got in I waved and drove off. I was smiling the whole way home, until I passed through downtown and sat the bookstore door wide open and the front window smashed. 

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