The Gang is Back Together

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Steve picked me up and we pulled into the diner parking lot and I sighed.

"You know the minute we walk in together they are going to know." I said and Steve nodded.

"I know, it's okay." Steve said and I just smiled at him. He walked over and opened my door. Once I was out of the truck he looked and noticed no one from the diner was looking out the window. He pinned me against the closed door on the truck.

"Can I help you?" I asked and he smiled leaning in.

"Can you stay over tonight?" Steve asked and I laughed.

"Are you really asking me to stay the night?" I asked and he laughed.

"I am, so..." Steve asked and I smiled.

"How about tomorrow night?" I asked and he pouted.

"I should be home one night." I said and he smiled.

"Well maybe I sneak in..." Steve said and I shook my head laughing.

"You do whatever you want Rogers." I said.

"Whatever I want?" Steve asked and waggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Let's get inside before you get us in trouble." I said. Before he could let me go he leaned in and passionately kissed me and I moaned snaking my arms around his neck. His hands moved to my hips and pulled me flush against him. "Okay you can come over later and break in." I said once we broke apart and he laughed.

"Let's get inside." Steve said taking my hand and walking us inside the diner. Once we walked in Nat and Bucky saw us first.

"Are you two together?!" Nat almost screamed and I laughed. I looked down at my hand holding Steve's. Sam and Wanda looked at us.

"Are you?!" Wanda asked and I walked up to the table.

"We are." I said and they all got excited. Wanda and Nat hugged me while Sam and Bucky laughed. We sat down and I smiled. The whole gang was back together, the way it was meant to be. As we ordered and all talked Steve took my hand under the table and gave it a small squeeze. I sighed knowing it was time.

"I have to tell you guys all something. Nat knows which I would assume Bucky knows as well but I need to tell you all about my mom." I said. Wanda looked at me concerned and placed a hand on top of mine that was on the table.

"What's wrong Charlie?" Sam asked.

"The main reason I came back into town was because of my mom. Mom has cancer. She is going through chemotherapy but right now that is why I came back." I said and they all looked down at the table.

"We're sorry Charlie, we thought you came back trying to make amends all these years later." Sam said and I shook my head.

"I mean yeah I wanted to do that too but I came back for my mom." I said and they all nodded.

"You guys need anything?" Wanda asked and I shook my head. No everything is going okay so far, just a few setbacks but mom wouldn't ask for help from anyone." I said and they nodded.

"Wow, Myra...hard to believe." Sam said and I nodded.

"Cancer picked on the wrong lady though, she is going to beat this." Steve said and I nodded. He leaned over and kissed the side of me head.

"We are all here for you Charlie, please just know that. You and your family." Bucky said and I smiled at him.

"And now you and Steve got back together..." Wanda said and I smiled putting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, well the man did come all the way to New York after her told me to leave town so..." I said and they all looked at him confused.

"Long story..." Steve said.

"Is it though? I mean you yelled at me, told me to go back to leave, go back to New York and go away." I said and Steve groaned as everyone looked at him.

"Okay, I made a mistake, I know that. I came to get you and made it up to you didn't I?" Steve asked and I smiled at him.

"You did..." I said.

"So you two are okay now? We are all going to be okay now?" Nat asked and we nodded.

"We are, we are all doing thanksgiving together and in news no one knows...I went to see Pepper today about getting a house." I said and everyone smiled.

"So you really are making it official?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yep, she is finding me some places to look at soon." I said and Steve kissed my cheek.

"So life is going back to normal, life is how it should be." Sam said and we all nodded.

"The gang is back together again." I said and everyone gave a small laugh.


That night Steve dropped me off and then waited half an hour and climbed up the tree. I was working on some of the book when Steve opened the window since I left it unlocked.

"You know, if you would have come to my house, I wouldn't have to scrap up my knee climbing up the tree." Steve said and I smiled.

"Would you like me to kiss your booboo Stevie?" I asked in a baby voice and he walked over to where I was sitting.

"Yeah, I would. I think I scrapped my lips too." Steve said.

"You making out with the tree too? Looks like I came back just in time." I said. He growled with a grin, leaned down and passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart he started to get undressed since I was already in my robe. Once I took it off Steve groaned seeing me in just my bra and panties.

"Fucking hell Charlie, that's not fair..." Steve said and I crawled into bed beside him, getting under the blankets.

"Problem?" I asked with a small giggle.

"You were a tease in high school, you are a tease now." Steve whispered in my ear as I put my back against his front.

"Hey no one said you had to come over." I said turning to face him. He smiled, leaned in and passionately kissed me. I moaned as his hand went around my back and he unhooked my bra. "Steve!?" I said and he smirked at me as he started to kiss my neck. There was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked knowing my door was locked.

"Just wanted to say good night." Cliff said.

"Oh yeah, good night you guys." I said. "Love you." I said.

"Love you too Charlie....good night Steve." Myra said and I smiled at Steve.

"Good night you guys." Steve said and we laughed as did my parents in the hallway. Once I heard their bedroom door shut I shook my head at Steve in shock.

"Tomorrow night, my place." Steve said and I nodded as he leaned in and passionately kissed me. 

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