And They All Lived Happily Ever After.

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"So, as I sit here in my tiny writing apartment writing these last few pages, I realize everything happens for a reason. I never thought I would be married to my high school sweetheart and pregnant with our first child. I never thought I would be able to share all of this with my mother, she is going to be an amazing grandma. We all got a second chance with her and I'm not going to spoil it. I thought coming home was going to be the scariest moment of my life, having to face everyone that I had hurt. In reality it was the best thing I could have ever done in my life. Sometimes all you need to do to figure out life is to go home again, trust me, it always works out in the end." I read the last line of my book at a book read. I was holding it in Sarah's bookstore since I refused to go to a New York store. Everyone in attendance clapped and I smiled. Marcus came walking up.

"Charlotte will be signing copies of her new book Home Again, come see her if you would like it signed." Marcus said as I walked away from the podium. I walked over to Sarah and Myra.

"Where is Steve?" I asked confused.

"He just ran Johnny upstairs to nap. He was started to get fussy." Myra said and I nodded.

"Doesn't he know this my day and he needs to stop taking my thunder." I said in a joking mood.

I got pregnant pretty fast after the wedding. Steve and I had a son and we named him Johnny. It was crazy to think I had been writing the book pregnant, now that it was published and printed my son was born, The last doctor's appointment we went to for my mother we found out she was in remission, and she was getting better. I couldn't have asked for anything better in my life.

I had everything I ever wanted. I was back home, my mom was going to be okay now being cancer free, I had Steve and we had the most amazing son. Life was everything I always hoped for it to be. I walked away from Sarah and Myra and saw Steve come walking back downstairs and he smiled.

"Johnny go down for his nap easily?" I asked and Steve showed me him sleeping on the baby monitor.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asked and I groaned.

"I don't know what these reviews are going to be and I'm about to throw up." I said and Steve smiled leaning down to give me a little kiss.

"You sure that's just from nerves?" Steve asked and placed a hand subtle on my stomach and I pushed him off of me.

"Stop it, we haven't told anyone yet...well almost not everyone." I said and Steve smiled. Nat and Bucky came over holding there 1 year old daughter and I smiled at her.

"Mika!" I said and she smiled and reached for me so I took her.

"So...?" I asked Nat and Bucky.

"Everyone is loving it so far. Heard the guy from the New York Times say it's better than the first one." Bucky said and I sighed a sigh of relief.

"You had them spying for you?" Steve asked in shock.

"Well, I asked you to do it last night and you refused. I needed someone to do it and knew they would." I said and we all laughed.

"How are you feeling?" Nat asked and I sighed. I knew she knew because she was with me when I took the test. She knew before Steve.

"Like I want to throw up. Don't know if it's nerves or baby rogers." I said in a whisper, and they sighed.

"Let me go get you a ginger ale." Nat said and walked away. Mika reached for Bucky, and I smiled handing her off.

"I'll go join Nat." Bucky said, and I smiled. A few people came up and I signed the copy of their books.


That night after the book signing, I was too tired to go all the way home, so we just ended up staying above the bookstore. Steve and I were lying in bed with my back to his front, he had his arm wrapped around me resting his hand on my stomach.

"Girl or boy?" Steve asked and I sighed thinking.

"Girl..." I said and Steve nodded.

"I agree." Steve said sleepily. I turned in his grip and placed a hand on his cheek.

"When I came back, did you ever think we would be here. Married, 1 kid and 1 on the way?" I asked and Steve laughed shaking his head.

"Not a chance honestly." Steve said and I looked at him shocked.

"Excuse me?!" I asked.

"Charlotte, I didn't think I could measure up to you. I didn't think you would want me but I knew when I saw you, even though I was an ass, I needed you. When I came to New York to get you, on the drive there I knew I would be bringing you back as my girlfriend come hell or high water. I needed you in my life again. You are my life, Charlie." Steve said and I leaned in and passionately kissed him.  

"I love you, Rogers. I'm sorry I took so long to come back to you." I said.

"Thank you for just coming home and coming to me again." Steve said and kissed me, once we broke apart, he placed his forehead on mine. "What is it they say at the end of fairytales?"

"And they all lived happily ever after." I said with a smile, Steve and I then drifted off into a blissful sleep.

🍁🍁🍁THE END🍁🍁🍁

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