I Still Love Y-...This Town

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I parked the car and walked to the open door.

"Hello?!" I called out. I knew better than to walk fully in so I called the cops and I tried Sarah but she didn't answer her phone. I knew it was late so I groaned and dialed the only other person I knew would care.

"What?" Steve asked answering his phone and I groaned.

"Come on I called on something serious right now." I said and he groaned.

"What's going on?" Steve asked since he sensed the seriousness.

"I tried calling your mom and she didn't answer. I was going home and passed the bookstore. The door was wide open and the front window was broken..." I trailed off and I could tell he was getting in his car.

"I'm on my way. Did you call the police?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, Nick is on his way." I said.

"Can you stay until I get there? I mean I'm sure you have John for protection..." Steve said and I groaned.

"I can stay but I'm alone Steve. I drove myself to my date." I said and he grumbled.

"Okay, I'll get there as fast as I can." Steve said. I was leaning on the front bumper of my car when Steve arrived. Nick Fury had just gotten there and was inside doing a search with some other cops.

"Charlie." Steve said as he got out of his car.

"Nick and the cops are inside looking around." I said. Steve walked up to me.

"You didn't go in by yourself did you?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"No I yelled hello at the open door, then backed away to my car, called the cops and your mom but got you instead." I said and Steve just half nodded.

"Well thank you for stopping." Steve said and I shook my head.

"I love this store Steve, I hate that someone did this." I said and he sighed. Before Steve could reply Nick came walking out.

"Nothing else but the door being damaged and the front window smashed. Probably some high school kids." Nick said to Steve and I sighed.

"Yeah most likely." Steve said and hung his head.

"Okay well I will stay here tonight, can't really leave that window wide open." Steve said and I shook my head.

"I will get someone to bring some plywood. You shouldn't have to stay." I said and Steve shook his head.

"It's fine." Steve said and I groaned and pulled out my phone.

"Steve please accept the help." I said.

"Not from you." Steve said and I groaned. I walked up to him and shoved him, to be honest he didn't move much.

"You know what! I stopped! I saw the problem and I stopped! If I had just let it go your mom would have walked into this in the morning and been in more danger! I'm trying to help you! I love your mom and this store and I still love y...I still love this town. The sooner you realize that the better." I said. Steve just looked at me since I caught myself before saying something. I knew I felt it but I also knew he didn't so there was no point in opening that up right now.

"Okay woah! You two cool it!" Fury said annoyed. "Steve I already have some guys from the station on their way with plywood to put it over the window and then the 24-hour locksmith coming to fix the door." Fury said and I looked at Steve.

"Fine, then I'm going home." I said going to get in my car. I saw Fury and Steve exchange a look. Steve groaned.

"Thank you Charlie..." Chris said and I gave a small nod.

"Yeah sure, whatever." I said and headed home once I got in my car.


I was laying in bed when I got home as my cellphone went off.

NAT: So you had a run in with Steve tonight?

CHARLOTTE: Yeah I was trying to be a good person and it bit me in my ass.

NAT: Well I have a question about your rant you said to him.

I groaned knowing where this was going.


NAT: Did you almost say that you still love him?


NAT: Well he seemed to think you were about to and is now confused about what is going on and is thinking you did come back for him.

CHARLOTTE: Well I didn't almost say it and I didn't come back for him. You know why I'm back. I plan on telling him soon though I think. I just need to talk to my mom.

NAT: Good, get it all out there. Just let me know when you do.

CHARLOTTE: Okay I will. I'm going to bed. Love you.

NAT: Love you too.

Once I put my phone on the nightstand I fell into a fitful sleep having a dream of the day I left.


I was standing by my car I the driveway pinned against the car door by Steve who was passionately kissing me.

"You have everything you need?" Cliff said walking up to the car making us spring apart.

"Yeah dad, everything is packed and ready to go." I said as he handed me a credit card.

"Gas and food card." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks dad." I said and hugged him getting out of Steve's grip. I hugged my mom and brother as well. I walked up to Bucky and Nat.

"I love you guys." I said and hugged them both. I then hugged Sam and Wanda. Once I was done I walked back over to Steve and wrapped my arms around his midsection and looked up at him.

"Please come with me." I begged in a whisper as tears filled my eyes.

"I have to stay, you know I do. I have to help mom out since she is having surgery in a few days. Just come back to me in one piece and we will live together forever." Steve said and I closed my eyes with a nod. I felt his lips on my as he passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart he pulled me flush against him in a hug.

"I love you Charlie, you are my everything and always will be." Steve said.

"I love you Steve, you are my world and universe." I said. He gave me another kiss, opened the car door and helped me in.

"5 weeks and I will be back." I said and Steve smiled.

"I know my love, go out and explore the world. You need this." Steve smiled and I nodded. I closed the door, started the car and drove down the street to my vacation before the rest of my life. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw Steve watching me, there is where he would always be before I even knew it, in my past.


I sat up in bed with tears flowing down my face. I pulled my knees up to my chest. Why did I still have to love this man? Why did he still have a hold on me? Why couldn't I let him go? Why did I never come back?

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