Apartment & A Job

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It had been 2 weeks since thanksgiving and I was out with Steve looking at the listings Pepper gave me.

"So can we discuss something you said the other day?" Steve asked as we left a house and he headed to the next. I wasn't fining anything.

"I've said a lot in the past couple of days...you want to narrow it down?" I asked and he huffed a laugh.

"About not writing anymore. You serious about it?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"I don't know Steve I was mad at Marcus...the holiday was stressful. I just don't know." I said and he sighed.

"So you don't know anything about it?" Steve asked and I shook my head and sighed.

"Please understand I'm trying. I need to do something to keep my mind preoccupied." I said and Steve glanced at me while driving and raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Wow, no...that only works for a short time, sorry." I said and he laughed.

"So what are you thinking?" Steve asked and I sighed. I then typed in an address on Steve's GPS.

"Follow this." I said and Steve looked at me confused.

"You know I knew how to get there, you could have just said." Steve said and I smiled.

"We aren't technically going there, just around there." I said. Steve drove through town and stopped at his mother's bookstore. We got out of the truck and he went to head inside but I went down the side alley.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked and I smiled. I walked up an outside staircase to a door. I unlocked the door with the key I was given and walked into the tiny studio apartment.

"Your mom offered it to me. She says it sits empty and it's perfect for something I'm looking for. I have plenty of room for a desk and everything to write, with a bookstore below me for inspiration..." I said and Steve smiled.

"So you would live above the bookstore..." Steve said.

"You know I always thought that place was my second home in high school. I can't imagine anything better...she also offered me a job." I said and Steve looked at me confused.

"What?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"I know I don't need it and I know I do at least owe Marcus one more book but I was only happy when I had you in my life and I worked in this store. Well I have you back in my life, I want the rest of that happiness." I said and Steve smiled at me.

"I only want you happy too." Steve said walking over to me and cupping my face. "You want to live up here?" Steve asked and I nodded as he passionately kissed me. Once we broke apart I looked at Steve. "Well let's go tell my mother." Steve said taking my hand and going to go out the door we came in but I pulled him to another door.

"Directly to the store." I said and he smiled.

"I never knew this was up here when we were in high school." Steve said.

"Probably because your mom knew you would have me up here instead of working." I said and we both laughed. We walked down the small staircase and out to the front of the store.

"Sarah?" I called out and she came walking out from the backroom.

"You look at the apartment?" She asked and I nodded.

"I did, I want the apartment and the job." I said and she smiled. She pulled me into a hug and I smiled as we hugged.

"I will get the lease ready for you to sign. When do you want to move in?" She asked and I sighed.

"Soon, if that's okay..." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah, whenever is fine." She said and I nodded. I then looked at Steve.

"I don't have much to bring, just whatever I brought from New York..." I said and Steve nodded.

"What are you going to do with the place in New York?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"Go back, sell what I don't need, furniture wise. I want my bed from there so whatever I want to being I get a moving truck for and then sell the apartment." I said and Steve smiled.

"No more New York...?" Steve asked.

"No more New York." I said and Steve wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him.

"My Ashland girl is back for good." Steve said and passionately kissed me. I pushed him off knowing Sarah was right there.

"In front of your mother?!" I asked in shock and she laughed.

"Oh please, I may be old but I'm not a prude! I'm happy to see you two back and happy again." Sarah said and I smiled.

"Me too." I said, my cellphone started ringing in my pocket and it was my assistant.

"Shit, this is something else I have to take care of. I'm going to take the call upstairs." I said. Steve and Sarah both nodded as I rushed up to the apartment.


I watched her rush away and smiled.

"So when are you proposing?" Sarah asked as I tore my gaze from the direction Charlotte went in and looked at my mom.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on Steve, don't act like you haven't thought about it." Sarah said.

"I have but I don't want to rush this..." I said.

"Please Steve, you two finally reconnect and you are already sleeping with her, she is staying at your place, I know you are staying with her now and will be staying here sometimes. You two are back to where you left off when she left. You love her, you know you do, why not just make it official." Sarah explained and I sighed.

"Mom...I'm scared." I said and she looked at me.

"Scared of what Steve?" Sarah asked.

"Her leaving again." I admitted

"She is renting a place to live and getting a job Steve."

"I know she is and I understand all of that but I mean everything was planned once before. We got the place picked out, classes at college and everything. I just cant go through losing her again." I said and Sarah sighed.

"Steve, you need to talk to her. Voice these concerns, she deserves to hear them. Just don't let too much time pass without talking. Hell maybe when she goes to New York, go with her. Help her with the transition." Sarah said and I nodded.

"Yeah, that might be the best thing to do." I said giving a small smile. I heard the door open from upstairs and Charlotte came walking down and looked upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and she walked over to us.

"Marcus is trying to suing me." Charlie said.

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