Dum Dum

621 47 4

Everyone was sitting in the living room when I sighed and spoke up.

"I need honesty and once I get it I can make my decision." I said and everyone looked at me oddly.

"Charlie, what's wrong?" Uncle Tony asked.

"Do you want me here or would you like me to leave?" I asked.

"What?!" Myra asked in shock.

"Do you want me here or not?" I asked and everyone just sighed.

"Who told you otherwise?" Oliver asked.

"Steve and Bucky were working across the street today. Steve and I had an altercation." I explained and everyone sighed.

"Are you okay?" Cliff asked and I nodded.

"He just told me no one wants me home and I need to leave." I said and everyone shook their heads.

"We don't feel that way and Rogers just has a stick up his ass." Uncle Tony said and I smiled a little.

"I just don't want to overstep and if I am I will go." I said.

"We need you here...I need you here." Myra said walking up to me and I smiled as she pulled me into a hug. Once we broke apart I sighed.

"Which bring me to my next point...how many people know?" I asked and they All just looked at each other.

"Just us, the family." Cliff said and I sighed.

"You do realize if people knew I was back for mom things may go easier?" I questioned.

"We don't want the town to just look at us with pity." Myra said.

"This town loves you! They would support you and help out if needed." I said and my parents sighed.

"It's just not something we want broadcasted." Cliff said.

"Well can you at least tell Fury. He saved my ass at the diner today when Nat wanted to kick me out." I said.

"Why?!" Tony asked.

"Because as she put it, she owns the place and kick out whoever she wants and that was me." I said. Oliver sighed.

"Okay, that's it's. Come to the bar tonight they will all be there, and we will work this out all." Oliver said and I sighed.

"Listen, I'll come to the bar but I'm not going to fight with them or even approach them. I will hang out with you." I said and Oliver nodded.

"Sounds good." Oliver said and I sighed.

"Okay well I'm sorry I had to call this family meeting." I said and everyone sighed.

"No, it makes sense, and we were happy you did." Aunt Pepper said and I smiled.

"So come to the bar tonight, I'll save you a stool." Oliver said sand I have a small laugh. Everyone split off doing their own thing and I headed to my room to get some more writing done. As I was sitting there working, I was looking out the window and I saw a girl taking pictures with her date in the front yard in her homecoming dress and I smiled remember times like that.


"Charlie, it's homecoming. You know you are going with Steve why are panicking?" Nat asked as she shopped for a dress and I refused.

"Because he isn't going to ask me. I don't care how long we have been dating, you should still ask." I said and Nat groaned.

"Didn't Bucky ask you?!" I asked and she sighed.

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