Steve Learns the Truth

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A few days after the store break in everything was getting back to normal. Mom and I had just gotten back from a chemo appointment and I was making us lunch as she sat on the porch. I tried to get her to go inside and rest but she refused. As I was bringing out the lunch to the porch I saw Steve and Bucky pull up in the work truck and started getting out racks and leaf blowers.

"What is going on?" I asked my mom when they started working in our yard.

"Your dad called and asked them to come take care of the yard. He is working, I cant do it, your brother is well your brother and I didn't want to ask you." Myra explained.

"I could have done it mom. You didn't have to get Steve and Bucky here." I said and she sighed.

"You and Steve still not making amends?" Myra asked.

"I'm trying, he wants to continue to be an ass, that's on him. I thought with me finding his moms store the way it was the other day would make a difference but nothing." I said and Myra sighed.

"You hurt him." Myra said.

"Tell me something new mom! I know I did!" I raising my voice slightly and then calmed down. "Sorry." I said and she shook her head.

"I get it, I'm sorry." Myra said and groaned.

I watched the guys working in the yard as mom and I ate the soup I made. I sighed and looked at Bucky and Steve. I stood up and leaned on the railing.

"You guys want something to drink? I have some warm cider in the kitchen." I said and they both gave a small smile.

"That sounds amazing. How about when we finish?" Bucky said and Steve nodded in agreement and I smiled.

"Sounds good. Maybe you even get some of the soup I made." I said and they both laughed.

"Look at you being nice." Myra whispered as I sat back down. I smiled at her and shook my head.

"Being friendly, there is a difference." I said and she smiled. Once mom and I finished lunch I went to take the dishes in and she shook her head.

"I will get it in a minute. Just relax, enjoy the weather and the view..." Myra said and she looked at Steve. I laughed. I knew my mom was trying to get me to be with Steve again but she also knew it wasn't going to happen.

"You are being bad, you need to behave. I think all of those chemicals they are putting in you are going to your head." I said and she smiled but then sighed.

"I just want to know you and Oliver are secure in your futures before I'm gone..." Myra said and I turned to look at her, I took her hand.

"Hey, don't talk like that. You will be around forever. You are going to beat this and everything will be fine. You will get to be around whenever either Oliver or I give you grandbabies, you will be the worlds coolest grandma." I said and she smiled as her eyes filled with tears and she smiled at me. I pulled her into a hug and she relaxed in my hug.

"Hey uh...Charlie...?" I heard Bucky asked and we broke apart so I could look at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Nat, just called, it's an emergency at the diner. I came with Steve. Do you think you could give me a ride?" Bucky asked.

"Just take my car and bring it back later. The keys are on the hook inside the door." I said.

"I can't do that..." Bucky said and I sighed. I got up, went inside and handed him my keys once I had them.

"Take my car and return it whenever you can. I trust you, go help Nat." I said and he smiled, kissed my cheek, waved to my mom and left. I looked and Steve was still raking leaves and I sighed.

"If you cant finish without Bucky either I can help or you guys can come back later." I said.

"I got it Charlie, thanks though." Steve said and I gave a small smile. I looked at my mom and she was dozing off in her chair wrapped in a blanket.

"Mom, why don't you go inside..." I said and she nodded. She got up and grabbed the bowls and coffee cups.

"No, hey I will get those, you just go lay down." I said and she shook her head.

"I'm able to do it Charlie, stop." She said and I sighed. I knew not to argue with her. She walked inside and I just leaned on the banister and looked at the tree in front of my porch causing me to huff a laugh.

"Still think it could hold me climbing up it?" Steve asked and I laughed when he saw me looking.

"Probably...why you gonna be trying it out?" I asked and he blushed. Before he could answer I heard a crash and scream in the house. I leapt off the banister and ran inside. Once I reached the kitchen I saw my mom on the floor with broken dishes all around her and a small cut on her hand.

"Mom!" I said and rushed to help her up. "What happened?" I asked.

"I got dizzy. Tried to steady myself on the counter and my hand slipped knocking everything off and I cut my hand." Myra said. As I was helping my mom get up I noticed Steve inside helping too.

"Steve..." I said and he shook his head. He helped my mom get to the couch as I grabbed the first aid kit. I cleaned out her hand and wrapped it up.

"If that gets worse we go back to the hospital." I said.

"Yeah 2 trips in one day, ought to be fun." Myra said and then realized what she said. Steve snapped his head looking between us.

"2 trips? Why were you there earlier?" Steve asked and I looked at mom and sighed.

"For my chemo Steve. I have cancer." Myra said and I hung my head. Steve looked at me again.

"This is why you came back?" He asked me and I nodded. "Does everyone know?!" Steve asked upset.

"Don't blame her Steve. I told her not to tell anyone. I only told Nat so she would cool it with her." Myra said sticking up for me. She yawned after this.

"Mom, let me get you to bed..." I said and she shook her head.

"I feel okay, I can make it now." Myra said and I shook my head this time.

"Can you stay and we can talk after I get her upstairs?" I asked Steve and he nodded. After I got mom situated in her room, I headed downstairs and Steve was coming out of the kitchen.

"I cleaned it up in there for you and got us some cider." Steve said and I smiled.

"Thank you, you didn't have to clean." I said and he sighed.

"It's okay, I didn't mind. I wanted to talk as soon as we can." Steve said and I nodded. I sat next to him on the couch.

"So now you know why I'm back..." I trailed off and Steve sighed.

"So you coming back, it was all for your mom?" Steve asked.

"Yes Steve! That was why I came back! Mom was sick and I needed to be here. I fucked up years ago and I know I did. I have been wanting to be here for mom and make amends with everyone, even you. I knew it would be hard and I knew you would be a tough one to crack but damnit Rogers if you didn't make it damn near impossible." I said and he gave a small laugh shaking his head.

"I thought you were just coming into town and act like you never left." Steve said and I shook my head.

"Never Steve, I know I messed up and you don't know how much I wish I could go back in time and come home like I planned. I really did plan too. I wanted to have a life with you Steve but life and everything got in the way. I thought I was meant to be more than this town. Now that I think about it, this town is home, this is where I always needed to be." I said and he sighed.

"Charlotte, life is complicated now. I've moved on, so have you...we have all grown up." Steve said and I nodded.

"I know and by no means am I trying to change up things or make things go back to the way they were I just wanted you to know I'm back for mom and to say I'm sorry." I explained.

"How are you holding up? With your mom's news, I mean." Steve asked and I looked at him.

"I'm scared." I said and Steve wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug and just held me while I cried into his chest. 

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