It's Mocking Me

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A few days later we were back in Ashland and I was sitting in my apartment, both doors locked, headphones playing some music so I could just sit and write. I was ignoring calls, all except from my mom or dad, I wasn't going out and I was getting a lot of food delivered in, not by me. Nat and Steve made sure to bring me food so I ate. I was sitting at the computer typing away as the sun came through my window and I saw the diamond glint from beside the computer at the desk. I groaned and slammed the ring box closed.

"You mock me!" I said to the ring box. I got up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink when I heard the outside door unlock, then open.

"Hey." I said seeing Nat as she held up a bag of food.

"Hey, thanks, not hungry." I said and she groaned.

"What is wrong with you? I know the writing lock down but you're cranky..." Nat said and I sighed. I walked to the desk, grabbed the box and tossed it at her. She opened it and gasped.

"Oh Charlie, I'm honored but you're not my type. Well that and I'm already married." Nat said and laughed. I chuckled but shook my head.

"Yeah, I wish I was proposing to you, you seem to know your answer." I said and she looked at me confused. She was looking at the ring and then gasped.

"Wait!!! Did Steve propose?!" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah in New York. We went for a walk and as we were talking he just said, "Marry Me". No question no proposal nothing insane, not that I would want it, just marry me. He had the ring when we got home. I never gave him an answer but he left the ring here one morning when he left. I sit with it here on the desk sometimes open and thinking while I write but now it's mocking me or for an answer." I said and Nat sighed.

"Come on Charlie, mocking you?!" She asked and I nodded.

"Mocking me! It wants an answer!" I said.

"It? The ring wants an answer." Nat said and I nodded.

"Yes! And the man it belongs to!" I said and she sighed.

"Okay so when exactly did he propose. How many days ago?" Nat asked and I sighed.

"3." I said.

"Okay well that's not horrible. I mean he has to know he can't just spring it on you. Did he give you any info he was ever going to propose?" Nat asked and I shook my head.

"Nope." I said and she sighed shaking her head.

"Idiot." She said and I groaned. She handed me the ring box back and I put it on my desk and just stared at me.

"I don't know what to do Nat." I said and she sighed.

"Do you love Steve?"

"Of course I do!" I said saying like she was crazy.

"Then why not say yes?" Nat asked.

"Because...I want to get this book done. I want to get settled and get everything done before I even think about planning a wedding or starting a life. And my mom-..." I trailed off.

"What about your mom?" Nat asked concerned.

"Nothing new but I just don't want to be in the middle of all of this and something happen." I said and she sighed.

"I get it." Nat said and I sighed. I then looked at my computer and sighed.

"Thank you for the food but I need to get back to work." I said and Nat nodded. She hugged me and then headed out.

***NAT POV***

I walked back into the diner and I saw Bucky and Steve sitting at a booth having lunch on a break. Snow was on the ground so they had no lawns to take care of but they did snow shoveling and plowing. I walked over to their booth.

"Hey, I was wondering where you were." Bucky said as I sat down and he gave me a small kiss. I then looked at Steve.

"Are you stupid or something?!" I asked catching him off guard.

"Excuse me?!"

"You...are you stupid? I thought you were pretty smart but I'm seriously questioning that now." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asked.

"I just got back from taking lunch to Charlie, she showed me the ring Steve." I said and Steve groaned.

"What ring?" Bucky asked.

"You didn't tell him?!" I asked. Steve shook his head. "When Steve and Charlie went to New York to clear out her apartment, they went for a walk and Steve proposed...oh wait no he didn't I'm sorry he just said, "Marry Me". He gave her a ring when they got back I'm assuming and now she is panicking." I continued. Bucky looked at Steve shaking his head.

"Listen, it slipped out, we were having a moment. She was talking about her mom and if something happens. I wanted to lighten the mood and it just came out. I mean let's face it I was going to propose to her eventually but now is not the time. I didn't want to take it back though. So the ring I had for her from when I was going to propose when she got back for college I traded in the minute we got back and got her a better ring." Steve explained and I just shook my head.

"Well she is panicking and says the ring is mocking her and waiting for an answer." I said.

"You need to fix this." Bucky said and I nodded.

"I will go over after work tonight and we will talk." Steve said.

"Fine, just don't hurt her Steve. She doesn't deserve pain." I said and he nodded.

"I wont hurt her Nat, I promise. I love her." Steve said and I gave a small smile.


I was finishing up a chapter when the bookstore door opened and Steve came walking in.

"Hey." I said, he walked over, leaned down and gave me a small kiss.

"How much did you get done today?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"3 chapters. A lot of rewriting. I feel like I can't get my thoughts out." I said and Steve sighed. He reached around me and grabbed the ring box.

"Because of this maybe?" Steve asked and I looked at him.

"Maybe." I said. Steve took my hand helping me up from the computer chair. He walked me to the couch and pulled me into his lap. He opened the box and we both looked at the ring.

"I didn't want this to be like shackle to you." Steve said and I groaned.

"I don't look at it like that Steve, it's just you asked me to marry you, I never gave you an answer and you left the ring. It's mocking me and forcing me to an answer." I said and Steve groaned. He put the box in his pocket.

"It's coming with me. I love you Charlotte and I don't want to force you. I know its early and I just kind of spit it out not thinking." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"Wow..." I said and he groaned. I leaned down and kissed him. "I'm not mad Chris." I said and he smirked.

"Most women would panic when a man said he was taking back a proposal..." Steve said and I shrugged.

"I'm not most women..." I said and he laughed.

"Nope but you are mine and that's all that matters." Steve said and I nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder and just relaxed while he held me. This is all I needed. I didn't need a ring, I didn't need a promise of marriage, I just needed this man, holding me, making me feel loved. 

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