chapter 1

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                        Ayan's pov

I woke up in the morning and prayed subh,then i grabbed my phone to call my best friend zubaida cause i miss her alot,it has been long we talked ever since she moved to the us.

After having a short chat with zubaida over the phone,i decided to take a nap befor 10:00am


"Ayan!" Arhaan yelled as he woke me up

"abba said you should wake up and come downstairs he has something inportant to tell us" Arhaan said as i just watched him talk,he then left the room.

I was struggling to stand on my feet so i just rolled to the bathroom to take a shower. I came out the bathroom and dried my long silky hair then walked to my closet and brought a coffee brown jeans,a black long sleeves shirt and then i grabbed my hijab.

I wore my cloths and tied my hair in a low bun,wore my hijab and applied lipgloss.

"Ayan!"Arhaan yelled.

"Gani nan zuwa"(i'm coming) i said then went downstairs then straigth to the dinning area where i saw both my mom, dad, arhaan and khadija they are my siblings.

When we all finished our breakfast we went to the living room"i need to tell you three something important" abba said said,we all turned to look at him and what he said made us shocked

"we are going to the us"abba said

"But abba" arhaan said

"No buts we are going and thats final kun ji"(have you heard)

"iya abba"(yes abba).

What abba said made my siblings shook because they love this place they grew up here on the other hand i was excited because i was going to finally see my best friend after 2 years.

As i went to my bedroom i quickly grabbed my phone and called zubaida she picked up after three rings

"ke quess what" i said

"mehh" she said

"zamu dawo inda kuke(we are coming to where you guys are living) i said

"ki ce wallahi"(say wallahi)


after i said that she screemed in excitment

"oh my Allah za ku zo ku zauna tare da mu a us"(you guys are coming to stay with up in the us) she said.

We were both so happy that we will get to see each other again after 2 years and best of all we are living there forever, after i told her the news we talked for a while before ending the call.

I looked at the time and its 1:15,i went to the bathroom to perform ablution so that i can pray zhur,when i came out of the bathroom i went straight to my big walk in closet and grabbed a big hijab and a prayer mat i quickly started my prayer and then when it came to the last sujood i poured my heart out to Allah and thanked him for making it possible to see my bestfriend again,after i finish praying i did my zhikir and when i finished i placed my hijab and the prayer mat where it belonged.

                   Zubaida's pov

After i ended the call with ayan i was so excited that she was coming here and she is going to live here forever,i was so excited about the news that i went to my brother ya zayn's room.

"Ya zayn" i said

"ke baki san yadda ake kwankwasa kofa ba shebi now i'm your mate ba?"(dont you know how to knock) he said as i rolled my eyes

"first hear me out,guess what" i said completely ignoring his question

"meh" he said

"su ayan za su dawo nan"(them ayan are coming here)


He said making me annoyed at his behavior

"bro atleast show some excitment that your friend is coming to the states" i said

" dan Allah? Omg tun yaushe oh my Allah i'm so excited" he clearly said that with sarcassem i just hissed then left not ready for his attitude.

I looked at the time and it was 1:30 "innaliallahi bani sallah ba" (oh my God i didnt pray) i said as i quickly went to my bathroom after i finished performing ablution i took my hijab and the prayer mat from my closet then prayed prolonging the last sujood, i poured my heart out to Allah and asking him for forgiveness,after i finished praying i did my Athkar after i was done i went downstairs to baba's parlor, when i arrived i saw both my mom and dad sitting together while talking i bent down to great them

"baba ina wuni,mama ina wuni" i said

"lfy qalau" they both say at the same time

"baba,mama su ayan za su dawo nan wurin"(dad,mom ayan and her family are coming to stay here) i said

"dan Allah"mama said


"so when will they come"?baba asked

"idk i'll ask ayan next time when we call eachother" i said they both hummed together then i stood up and left.

                    Zayn's pov

I was chilling in my room when suddenly the door flug open i saw that it was my sis.

"ke baki san yadda ake kwakwasa kofa bane"i said

"first hear me out guess what" she said completely ignoring my question


"su aya za su dawo nan" she said i dont know why but when ever zubaida brings up that girls name ayan i fell somehow in my body and i know i'm not sick so i just brush it of and when zubaida said her name i felt that feeling again i just let it slide

"and" i said obviously annoying her

"bro at least be excited your friend is coming here" she said well she wasn't wrong i was feeling happy that arhaan will come its been a while since i last saw him

"danAllah? Tun yaushe oh my Allah i'm so excited" i said being sarcastic she just hissed then left,i mentally chuckled at her behavior before i left to pray

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter

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