chapter 10

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                      Ayan's pov

" don't touch me. Get your hands away from me" i said scared as he got closer and then he grabbed me

"ya arhaan!" i screamed

"ya arhaan!" I screamed again. My screams were loud but useless i felt like the world should just eat me up and get me away him, he kept coming closer and closer to me even tho there was no space between us.

He tried to kiss me but i moved my face to the side, just then i felt a sting pain across my face he just slapped me,i held my face with one of my hands and looked at him with tears in my eyes then he threw me across the room then he started unbuttoning his shirt

"no... no don't come close to me, stay away" i said as i kept backing away but i then hit the wall i tried going to the coner but it was blocked with something big just then he grabbed me

" NO" i screamed as i stood up panting and sweating, my hair is a mess, i don't know where the blanket is.

I sighed " it was all a dream" I said to myself.

i thought i stopped dreaming about this it has been a year since i dreampt about this. I looked at the time to see that it was 2am in the mourning. I quickly went to the bathroom to do my wudu. If i had gotten up why not pray my tahajjud prayer.

After praying i went downstairs to eat because i was hungry. I went to the kitchen but i saw yusra

"hey God here we go again" i mumbled quitely, yusra saw me and said "what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I should be asking you the same question" i said as i walked towards the fridge

"i couldn't sleep so i came here to drink water, you?" yusra said looking at me

"i also couldn't sleep"i said "are you hungry" changing the topic

"yea" yusra replied while sitting down on the kitchen counter

"hold on let me make something real quick" i said as i went to go and grab the pot.


I just finished cooking,i cooked indomie because i couldn't cook anything small except for indomie. yusra and i went to the dinning and started eating

"ki samo min ruwa"

(get me water)

yusra said still eating i simply went to the kitchen and got yusra the water she wanted then we continued eating.

We finished eating, i went to go and clear the dishes and yusra went to sleep because she was starting to feel sleepy I finished washing the dishes and i went to my bedroom i looked at the time to see that is was 3 oclock thank God its weekend so i dont have to worry about school i went to sleep and put alarm for 5am in the mourning so that i can pray fajr.

i prayed that i wont have that dream again and then i drifted off to dream land.


I woke up because of my alarm, i stood up to go and do wudu and pray. I just finished my wudu and now i have to pray.

I just finished praying and i'm doing my athkar i looked at my phone and saw that ayra called me 5 times i must've been sleeping or i was praying the time she called me, i looked at the time she called me and it was around 4am i wonder what she wants, i immediately called her back

"dear customer the number you've dailed is switched off please try again later thank you" i hear the voice through the phone speak i tried calling her again but it still didn't go through i tried again and again but it didn't work so i just let it be maybe she is sleeping right now thats why her phone is switched off so i just went to bed and slept off.


I just woke up from sleep and alhamdulilah i didn't have a nightmare,i feel so refreshed i looked at my phone and saw that its already 11:38AM wow i must've been really tired just then i remembered ayra called in the mourning when i tried calling her back she didn't answer.let me try again maybe she is awake because after fajr prayer she dosen't go back to sleep. As i was calling her it started ringing

"dear customer the number you've dialed is currenty switched off please try again later,thank you" it said through the phone, again? Whatever when she sees the miss call she'll call back.

I stood up to go and freshen up i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth after brushing my teeth i went out of the bathroom and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I wen't downstairs and saw arhaan and abba talking about the company while mama and khadijah were talking about something, i went to the kitchen and made myself a cereal and when abba finished talking to arhaan he turned on the tv to watch the news

i was about to go upstairs but my heart dropped at what i heared "reporting live that a 20 years old girl named ... has gone missing around 4am in the morning,the police are still on the look out for her".

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