Chapter 7

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1 week later
                        Ayan's pov
Today is the first day of school and i'm so excited and nervous even tho i hate school i happy to leave this house and to get away from yusra,that's right she still abuses me anyways i'm in my closet rn and i'm thinking of what i'm gonna wear i picked out a peach abaya with belt and got a matching veil,i went out the closet and i wore my cloths and wore a nude make-up

"Ayan!" Khadijah yelled from downstairs

"gani nan zuwa" i said as i went to grab my shoe then i went downstairs

" wai kullun ne zaki sa mu lati" (is it everyday that you'll make us late)khadijah yelled at me

"kai its not that deep besides we have alot of time,the school is near our house" i said while rolling my eyes

"you guys will never stop arguing in this house" mama said as she walled in

"Mama ina qwana" we chorused

"lfy qalau" she said as she sat down

"kai mutafi za muyi lati"(lets go we will be late) arhaan said

"toh lets go" i said, after that we baid our parents goodbye and we drove off.


We just entered the university both arhaan and khadijah are in their last year while me i'm in my second year.

As i was entering the school i could see all eyes on us and i got unconfortable.

"Ya arhaan" i whisper in arhaans ear "na'am ayan" he said " mai sa suke kallo mu" i said scared(why are they looking at us)

"don't worry maybe because we're new" he said in an assuring way after that we wen't to the principal to get our schedule

We just got our schedule and I have math first period i baid goodbye to my siblings as I want to my class and when I went there I saw my Best Friend zubaida I went to go and sit with her, I wasn't surprised to see her since I knew she was in this school when I sat down next to her and said "hey zubaida"

"oh hey ayan i thought you were gonna be late since you're always late" zubaida said while chuckling. After that the teacher came to the classroom and he started teaching


After three subjects it was time for a lunch. Me and zubaida were walking through the hallways and we entered the cafeteria then we sat down on one of the table just then I heard a familiar voice behind me

"heyy" the person said then I turned around to see it was Amir

"oh hi,how are you" I said as he sat down next to me

"who is he" zubaida said

" oh it was that guy I was telling you about last week"i said as i bit on my sandwich

" oh he fineee" zubaida whispered in my ear

"so how have you been?" I asked as a bit on my sandwich

"I'm good how about you" he said as he smiled at me gosh I can't get over his smiling he is just so fine

" I'm good" I smiled back at him

" ugh helloo have you forgotten that I'm also here go get a room if you're going to flirt with each other" zubaida said annoyed as we chuckled at her behaviour. I don't know why by i feel like someone is staring at me and i feel uncomfortable.

                    After school
School's over and I'm now waiting for my siblings just then I saw Amir coming towards me

"hey what's up" I said

" nothing I just saw you standing here all by yourself so I wanted to keep you company" Amir replied *so what are you doing here standing all by yourself?" He asked

" I'm waiting for my siblings to come out" i said while looking for them

" ok do you want me to stay here until you come?" He asked

"yeah that would be nice,thank you" i smiled and he smile back at me

"ke kin san inda khadijah take?" arhaan said as he came to us ( do you know where khadijah is)

"a'a ban san inda Khadija take ba, na dauka tana tare da kai" i said worried (i don't know where, she is I thought she was with you)

"who is he?" Arhaan questioned

"oh he's just a friend" i replied

"wait did khadijah leave us here?" I said

"sorry I'm late I went to the bathro-.. who is he?" Khadijah  said as she pointed at amir

"he's her friend now lets go we have visitors at home they might be here by now" arhaan said

"ok" khadijah said then arhaan and khadijah went to the car

"anyways i'll see you tomorrow" i said to amir

"alright bye" he said as he waved at me and i waved back  and then we left.

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