chapter 34

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Ayan's pov

I woke up feeling really tired and light headed. I tried to move but my hands were behind my back. Tied up!

How the hell did I get here. Oh my God I have been kidnapped.

Innalilahi wa inna ilahi rajiun.

I tried un-tying my hands but I couldn't, the knot was too tight. I tried again but still. I heard some voices coming from outside and it was getting closer and closer.

I finally got that they were coming and i decided to pretend like i was sleeping.

"Can you imagine!, I literally had to sleep with their security man. And the man literally had a pot belly, his teeth were as yellow as spongebob and God don't get me started on how ugly he was" I heard a familiar voice say.


That voice! I know that voice, I opened my eyes and made eye contact with the person.


The person was ayra, the ayra that went missing. This Is where she was the whole time?

"Ayra, oh my God. You are here! I cant believe it. I thought you were dead, I was so sad. Are you here to save me? Please ayra save me" I couldn't even tell how happy I was. But now is not the right time to get happy.

I looked at her and her eyes were filled with... disgust? "God you can talk too much wallahi" she said

Ok, the hell?

"Omg, it reminds me of that book, the ultimate prize, remember the character prof.toomuchtalk she can be the daughter" I heard another say. I looked at her as they snicker.

I met her eyes and my own eyes widened. I can't believe it.

Zayn's pov


"Hey, I'm ayra" 

"O.k well what does that have to do with me?" I asked.  I looked at her and her face was red.

"Can I please come in? Ayan is one of the people I know"

"Well lucky for you, she isn't here" despite what I said she entered. Ya Allah, I cannot be dealing with this little girl.

She turned around and looked at me. She stepped forward and I moved back. She continued walking till i hit the wall. What Is she doing?

"You know since ayan isn't here, she doesn't have to know. She is locked up somewhere you could never find out"

the fuck is this girl saying. What does she mean?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"where Is her room?" Ayra girl asked completely ignoring my question.

"Listen little girl, I don't know who you are so it's best for you to leave or I'm calling the police" she chuckled at my statement as if I was joking.

She walked passed me and went upstairs. I walked behind her and she entered ayans room. She looked around for a bit. She went behind me and I turned around hearing the sound of the door close.

I saw that she locked the door. She moved forward and came closer to me. She then touched me. I pushed her away as soon as possible.

"What the hell! You claim to be friends with ayan and this is the shit you are doing"

"I never said I was friends with ayan, heck I would rather die than be friends with her" 

"Get out"

"Zayn please. I can love you 100 times more than ayan has ever loved you. I can pleasure you the way you want. Zayn I can give you anything. Ayan won't be in our way anymore," 

"I dont even know who you are, please ayra or whatever your name is leave"

"Fine, if I can't have you, I'll make sure ayan does either!" What does she mean.

She left the room and I heard the sound of the front door close. I turned around and saw, She left her phone here. I extended my hand to reach out to the phone but I got a message from an unknown number. I opened it and I saw ayan!

It was ayan unconscious, being tied to a chair, she looks exhausted. My eyes widened at the sight.

I heard another ring but it wasn't my phone, it was Ayra's. I carried it and opened the chat. As i open the message, i began to read through it. A few words were misspelled, but i could just about make them out. My eyes began to flod with tears as i fell to my knees.

"khadijah is alive"

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