Chapter 31

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Ayan's pov

It has been a day since we've reached here. We are in this 4 season hotel and today we are going out. The weather is very nice so it's a nice day and time to leave.  I got ready and put on a white floral dress with a white hijab. When I was about to leave the room, zayn entered. Even though he was wearing a tee with jeans and snickers. He still looked handsome.

He stopped and looked at me and muttered somethings under his breath. "You look beautiful" he said.

I blushed and covered my face hoping he didn't see me like that. He took his hand in mine and we walked out hand in hand.

We went to this beach and its so pretty. Like 98.9% of this place is an island.  We stayed and played together.

After like 5 hours. We finally decided to go back. When we reached there, he told me to go in first. I went inside and went straight to the bathroom to bath.

After I finished taking a bath I went out to find no one in the room. It's been almost an hour, how come zayn is not back?

I went outside after changing and what I saw made my heart drop. It was zayn with another girl and he was hugging her. She kissed him on the cheek and she waved him a goodbye. Before he could see me I ran inside.

I waited for him for about 3 minutes and he finally came in. He saw me and gave me a confused look. "Who was that girl?" I asked.

He looked shocked at my question. Maybe it was because he didn't expect me to see him with her.

"Don't worry. She's no one, so just calm down" he said

"shut up. I saw u with that girl so don't tell me how to react" i said pointing my finger at him. then, he grabbed my hand, looking at me dead in the eye

"dont u ever point ur finger at me again"

"and what are u gonna do about it huh? slap me?, come on i dare u" i said daring him. Just then i felt a pair of soft lips on mine, innalilahi he just kissed me.

after a few minutes we pulled apart catching our breaths then we stared at eachother for like 5 mins or more after some few more mins i finally came back to my senses and just left to my room not saying a word. I entered my room and locked the door and went to the mirror and saw my face was bright red. Innalilahi he just kissed me. I feld my face just then the door barged open it was non other than zayn before i could say or react i felt him kiss me again but this one was long with full of love he kept kissing me then he carried me to our bed.

"are you sure" he asked and i just nodded feeling embarrased then he layed me down on the bed gently.


After "the experience" that just happened. I started to feel sleepy.

"Ayan" zayn said


"The girl you saw was my niece. We happen to meet eachother when we were about to enter" he explained.

Now I feel stupid for thinking that was his mistress or something.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions" I say

"It's ok. I would've had the same reaction"

We both kept quiet for sometime and i finally fell asleep.

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