chapter 37

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Ayan's pov

I woke up suddenly feeling like vomit-
Ing. God not this again. My hands were still tied so I couldn't stand up or do anything. I vomited on the floor accidentally and omg ew.

Ayra came inside and saw the mess i made. She looked at me angrily then she stepped forward and slapped me. I fell to the ground and my head was very close to the puke.

"You bitch. How dare you! I will make sure you clean this shit by licking it. Shegiya kawai" ayra then left saying some incoherent words and stuff.

The only shegiya in this building is her. Rubbish.

I attempted on moving back and alhamdulilah, I did. Just then khadijah came in with wipes and food. Without saying anything, she made me sit down and untied me "dont do anything stupid" she said.

She then proceeded to wipe the vomit on the side of my my face. She gave me water and told me to spit it out. I did just that and after she started too feed me.

Why is she being nice?

When I was done eating, she kept the plate aside. She carried mop I didn't even know was inside this room and mopped the vomit.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I say

"Hold it"

well excuse me. Oh you know, let me just hold it since I can control my body.

"Please I really need to go" I said. Khadijah sighed and made me stand up. Omg I have been sitting all day for two days without going to the toilet nor standing. So now my legs are sore.

We both went to the bathroom and I took my time to study my surroundings. I saw that there were 5 doors in the hallway. Khadijah and I reached the bathroom and she told me to hurry and i said ok without her knowing that I stole her phone. I locked the door of the bathroom and called arhaans number. I'm not calling zayns number, the guy should just go and bend ma sef.

Good thing I memorised ya arhaans number. The phone was ringing and finally after 4 rings, he answered.

"Hello?" He said. God he doesn't sound good

"Ya arhaan" was the only thing I said. I heard the background a and I guess the others are there.

"Ayan! Ya Allah. You made us worried, where are you?" He asked

" I don't really know, all I know is that, there is this door infront of a hallway that is the exit and there are other 4 more doors, the building is an abandoned building so I don't really kn-" I got cut off immediately when someone snatched the phone from my hand. It was amir.

Before i could react, he slapped me!

"You bitch, I'll make your life more miserable than it already is" he said. Then he dragged me to the previous room I was in and he threw me inside. I hit my head really hard and my hands and knee are bleeding.

Amir came towards me as I go back unfortunately, I hit the wall "ayan remember our old memories? It's just like now" he said.

He kicked me on the stomach and it really pains. I hear a gasp from behind amir and it was khadijah. She had a sense of guilt, sadness and anger in her eyes. Amir continued kicking and punching me. I'm pretty sure my lips are busted and I can feel blood roll down my face

"A-amir it's enough, you've already injured her enough" khadijah said

"And why do you care so much?" Ayra butt in " Remember ayan was always putting you down and making you feel less worthy? Remember she stole your boyfriend? Remember SHE is the one who made you feel like killing yourself? So why care for her when you are getting your revenge"

Did I really make khadijah feel like that. Now I'm starting to think I'm a horrible person and a sister. I looked at khadijah and she is also looking at me but all those emotions she had were gone and now it was just replaced with anger.

Amir kicked me one last time and the only thing I remember was seeing khadijah's face.

Zayn's pov

I'm freaking out right now!

Not only did I find out that khadijah is not dead but ayan got kidnapped.

Everyone is here right now. Arhaan, zubaida, mama, baba and ayan's parents. Ayan's mom is crying hysterically and her dad is trying to comfort her. I haven't told anyone about khadijah and I don't think I'm going to anytime soon.

Gosh this is all my fault. I was about to speak till arhaans phone started ringing. He answered tht phone curiously. When he heard the person behind the phone, he immediately jolted up.

"Ayan! Ya Allah you made us worry, where are you?" He said. We all looked at him curiously and with hope.

Baba did this gesture and arhaan out the phone on speaker.

"I don't really know, all I know is that, there is this door infront of a hallway that is the exit and there are other 4 more doors, the building is an abandoned building so I don't really kn-" she got cut off and we heard a male voice. Some seconds later, i heard a slapping noise. Did he just slap ayan?

I looked around the room to make some I wasn't the only one hearing and just as I expected, everyone expecially arhaan was looking angry

"You bitch, I'll make your life more miserable than it already is" the voice said. Before we could do anything, he ended the phone call.

she voice sounded so scared and her voice was shaky. Only Allah knows what they're doing to her now.

We all kept quite till I had an idea. I looked at arhaan immediately and he gave me a questioning look

"Arhaan, we can use that number ayan called you with to track where she is" he looked at me and smiled

"That's a great id-" but he was cut off with his phone ringing again

"Its the number" he said and answered. He put it on speaker so that we could hear and the voice wasn't ayans. It was another person.

"Please save her"

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