chapter 36

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Ayan's pov

You've got to be kidding me. I'm already tired of these surprises. I am shocked the least to say, what is amir doing here? I've done nothing to him.

Amir came closer to me, he put his dirty hands on my face. I turned my face to the other side to try and get his hands off of me. His eyes narrow as he slapped me, causing me to fall with the chair. This is giving me memories, very bad ones.

"I finally have you all to myself. Without that zayn to try and stop me"

"Amir! Please don't do this" I say, my voice becoming weak

Amir laughs at me and the rest join. What is paining me even more is khadijah, how could she do this to me?

"Ayan, don't you remember me? have you forgotten maryam? Amirah? Faridah? " my eyes widened in shock, oh my God. "Remember when they. Oh sorry, I mean we held you hostage. God your facial expressions were priceless. I remember 'please don't touch me, ya arhaan, ya arhaan save me' hah you peace of shit"


"Hey ayan" I heard someone call my name, I turn around to see maryam and her friends. God I don't want any trouble

"Oh maryam, what are you doing here?" I asked faking a smile.

"I just wanted to apologise to what I did to you, it was very wrong and I am very sorry" I was caught off guard for maryam to apologise. And she sounded so real.

"Oh don't mention it, I forgive you"

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much it mean for you to forgive us. Hey! Why don't you join us, we are getting ice-cream"

"Oh well, I'm actually on my way home, it's very important-"

"Oh don't worry, it's just for a short period of time" amirah said. I sighed and nodded.

I entered her car and we drove off. After like 10 minutes later, we passed cold stone, I was confused I thought we were getting ice-cream

"Hey maryam I thought we were getting ice-cream, we just passed the place"

"Oh didn't you hear? There is a new cold stone down the corner and I thought we should go check it out there" I just nodded and kept quiet.

Later the car stopped and it was an old abandoned building. Okay? We entered and we were met with darkness. I followed maryam because she knew where we were going. We all stopped and they turned to look at me. I gave them a questioning look and faridah said "I think you should enter first"

I muttered an 'ok' and entered. When I entered I heard the door lock.

"Uh guys, I think you locked me inside by accident" I said scared

"No, it's not an accident, have fun~" After she said that I heard faint foot steps, she left.

"Well, well. They actually kept their promises" I heard a voice say. I looked to where I heard the voice and I see a shadow.

"W-who are you?" I asked

"You don't need to know that baby girl" he came closer and touched my face, I backed away a little and he came closer

He began to strip me and I tried to fight him. He grabbed my face and tried to kiss me, but I moved my face. He slapped me causing me to fall down to the ground

"Ayan! Ayan!"  Ya arhaan, he's here.

"Ya arhaan!" I screamed "ya arha—"  I tried to scream again but the man's hand covered my mouth

" don't touch me. Get your hands away from me" i said scared as he got closer and then he grabbed me

"ya arhaan!" i screamed

"ya arhaan!" I screamed again. My screams were loud but useless i felt like the world should just eat me up and get me away him, he kept coming closer and closer to me even tho there was no space between us.

He tried to kiss me but i moved my face to the side, just then i felt a sting pain across my face he just slapped me again!,i held my face with one of my hands and looked at him with tears in my eyes then he threw me across the room then he started unbuttoning his shirt

"no... no don't come close to me, stay away" i said as i kept backing away but i then hit the wall i tried going to the coner but it was blocked with something big just then he grabbed me.

Before he could do anything worse, ya arhaan barged in with two police officers behind him. They went to the man and arrested him. I went to ya arhaan and I hugged him tight.

*end of flashback*

I can't believe it. It was Amir. He was the one who almost raped me

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