chapter 38

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Ayan's pov

I woke up feeling a lot of pain in my stomach, thank God I wasn't tied to a chair if not, the pain would've been worse. I tried to sit up straight but I couldn't. The pain was too unbearable. I wince at the pain as I tried to sit again. I sat down and leaned against the wall. I looked around an d when i looked at the ground infront of me, i saw blood.
Wait, blood. I looked at my self and there was blood on me and around me. Innalilahi!

The door opened and amir, khadijah and ayra entered. What kind of association is this one? I didn't pay attention to them as they were the least of my worries.

Amir came to me and pulled out something. I stopped breathing when I saw it. It was a gun.

He is holding a gun to my head, amir is holding a gun to my head. Khadijah immediately came and snatched the gun. Then she pointed the gun to his head.

"Have you lost your mind? You said you wouldn't do anything to her" khadijah said

"I knew it, you still care for her. After everything she has done to you, you still care. Well, khadijah. I wasn't going to do anything, I just wanted to see if you would do anything and to my expectations, I was right" he said then he pulled another gun to khadijah's head.

"A-amir, drop the gun, please" khadijah said. Ayra is just standing there watching.

Amir was about to do something till the door burst open. We all turned to look and it was zayn and arhaan with two police officers behind them.

Out of all of the people they could've brought, they chose to bring Nigerian police men.

Zayn looked at me and his eyes immediately turned soft. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to arhaan but he was looking at khadijah. The police were about to arrest amir till he pointed the gun at me. He pulled the trigger and was about to shoot. I closed my eyes tightly as I hear the sound of the gun. I finally open my eyes when I realised that nothing is happening to me.

When I looked, I saw khadijah, on the floor with blood pooling on her. I look in horror as I go close to her. Tears welled up in my eyes looking at her.

"I'll be back sweetheart" amir said to me then jumped through the wimdow.

Zayn came to me and hugged me "it'll be alright" he said. But I shook my head rapidly while shaking

"No zayn. This is just the beginning" I whisper


Zayn's pov

We took ayan and khadijah to the hospital and we are now waiting for the doctor. The doctor finally came out after a long while of waiting

"Well doctor how are they?" Adda said

"Well I'm sorry everyone but unfortunately, khadijah died. The bullet pierced through her heart and it caused her to die" the doctor said. Everyone kept quiet as they look at the floor.

The news was shocking but it didn't affect us like last time.

"What about ayan?" I asked

"Ayan is doing perfectly fine but her baby isn't" I'm sorry baby? "There was a huge damage to her organs and abdomen and it somehow effected the baby and the baby died But thank God her other baby is perfectly fine and healthy" he continued.

So ayan was pregnant all those time......WITH TWINS?

"Ayan is awake right now, so you all can go and see her" and with that, the doctor left.

Everyone went inside the room to see ayan while I stay sitted. I want to enter the room but i also don't want to enter the room. I'm too ashamed to face ayan after what happened the last we saw each other. But I know, I can't hide forever. So, I entered the room.

Ayan was crying and hugging mama while her mom tried to console her.

Ayan ķept quiet when she saw me but she was still sniffling a bit. Everyone noticed the tension between us and they left. Now it's just me and ayan.

I came closer to ayan and I was about to speak, till she raised her hand stopping me from talking.

"Leave!" She said. But I didn't, i need to end this fight once and for all.

I went closer to her and she tried to retaliate but she is still weak. I came closer to her and hugged her. She kept hitting me till she stopped and continued crying.

"You. You are the reason why I'm here" she said

"I know" I whisper

"My child is dead because of you" she continued

"I know, and I'll try my best to make it up to you" I say

We both stayed quiet while ayan held me tightly. Eventually, her breath evened out and she fell asleep.

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