Chapter 30

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Ayan's pov

"Then he left her on their wedding night. Can you imagine?" I said in disbelief.

I was telling zayn a story that happened recently. I has been telling him for hours and I'm is still not done

"And then literally 2 days later, he came to their house to ask for her sisters hand in marriage like nothing ever happened between them." Then i made this boom sound with my mouth.

"Then the sister being the devil she is said ye–"

"Ayan please let me finish this work" zayn said cutting me off. After that i kept quiet. "But the sister and the ex fiance do sound like devils"

I smiled at zayn knowing that he was listening. We both sat in comfortable silence till someone called zayn.  Zayn picked the call and after a few minutes he ended the call 

"Who was that?" I asked

"Its my dad, he said one of his business partners son is coming over with his wife" zayn replied.

I just said ok and left zayn's office. I went to the kitchen and prepared some food for them while the maids went to go and clean the house.

After an hour the doorbell rang. Zayn went to go and open the door while I went to the kitchen. I heard chit chats from the parlor and I peeked to see who they were.

I saw a pretty woman with a niqab on. Even though I haven't really seen the woman's face, I can tell she is pretty and a brown skin, tall guy with loose curls. I made eye contact with the woman and I smiled at her.

I went back to the kitchen and got some drinks when I was about to go to the kitchen, the woman talked to me and I told her I was going to the kitchen. We both went there and we quickly bonded.  She told me about her problems with azaan and I was surprised that they both were in an arranged marriage too. I felt like there was more to the story but ofcourse I didn't ask her.

"So what's your name?" The woman asked

"Oh how stupid of me, my name is ayan, you?" I asked

"I'm nyrah" she replied.

After we talked about other things . When the food was done we went to the parlor and we served them. We sat down and gisted.

Zayn's pov

"Guy how comes it was you who was coming to our house?" I asked azaan.

"I thought you knew. Sha it's been long O. How have you been?" Azaan asked

"I'm alright"

"So since when did you come back to Abuja?"

"I don't know fa, it's been awhile"

"I'm guessing that woman is your wife" azaan asks

"Oh yea ayan, what's your wife's name?"


"Oh that's nice, how come I wasn't invited to your wedding"

"How come I wasn't invited to yours" wow reverse psychology. We both laughed it off  and we continued talking. Eventually azaans wife and ayan came back with the food.

We ate and talked and before we knew it, it was time for then to go. We bid our goodbyes and they left. I heard a sigh from behind and it was ayan.



"Come with me"


We went to our bedroom and I sat her down. She was looking confused. Probably because of my actions. I sat down beside her and I decided to get to the point.

"Ayan I have realized that we didn't have our honeymoon, so I decided to have one" I said

Ayan smile and jumped on me causing us to both go on the bed. I laughed at her behaviour.

"Think of it as a late honeymoon" I said

"So when are we going?" She asked

"Tomorrow. So you better start packing" I said. She stood up and went to the closet to get her things and I followed suite. Tomorrows gonna be a long day


Ayan's pov

We've landed safely and we are currently leaving the airport. After yesterday, I couldn't sleep out of excitement. I kept asking zayn where we were going but she didn't say anything. They only thing he said was "it is a surprise. If I tell you then it'll no longer be surprise"

And I'm still wondering. We went outside and It was an island. I was admiring it till zayn spoke "ayan, say hello to bora bora"

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