Chapter 29

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Two days later

Ayan's pov

I'm feeling a lot better than before. Right now, I'm in my room getting ready to go to my uncle's. Zayn went back to work so its just me that is going.

I wore a blue fitted Ankara, blouse and skirt. I took a blue veil that was close to the colour of my clothes.

When I was done I just put on lipgloss not wanting to put make up and went downstairs. I left the house and I took my car. The driver went back to his home town because his mother is sick. Poor guy, I feel bad for him.

Zayn also taught me how to drive

I started the car and drove to my uncles place. The drive took about 40 minutes because there was traffic. When I reached there, I went to the front door and knocked.

The door flew open, revealing jiddah, my cousin. When she saw me, she immediately threw her arms on me causing us to fall.

"Omgg ayan, how are you?. You know ever since you left, the house has been so boring, like I have no one to tell the dramas that use to happen on school"

"How dare you not tell me about the dramas, you know I'm all ears when it comes to this" I said as i dramatically gasped. We laughed together till i heared someone coming down the stairs. I looked up and saw my uncle.

"Uncle Aayan!" I said running up to him to hug him. I was named after my uncle Aayan, though the spellings are different, the meanings are the same. Ayan/Aayan are both a guy and girl name so that's why they named me ayan.

I once asked my mom If she only named me after my uncle and her reply was this "oh ayan, you weren't only named after your uncle, the main reason why i named you 'ayan' is because you truly are God's gift"

Her reply made me tear up a bit and it just reminded me of her. I miss her so much. I immediately came back to reality when uncle spoke "oh ayan, what a lovely surprise to see you here"

"I just thought of coming to greet, you know we haven't see each other since my wedding" I said as we both went to the couch to sit.

"Speaking of wedding, where is your husband?"

"Oh he went to work this morning so couldn't come" I replied. Uncle Aayan just nodded and we talked about basically everything.


By the time we were done, it was already time for asr. So we went to go and pray. I stayed in jiddah's room and waited for her to finish praying. Me I'm not praying.

When she was done, she did her athkar and went to drop her hijab and prayer matt. She came back and sat beside me.

"So mrs zayn, how is the married like?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. I looked at her weirdly and sighed

"Its tiring a little but its alright. Not what I was expecting my married life to be but I can manage" I said shrugging it
. Jiddah nodded.

I saw a glass of water on the side drawer and took a sip.

"So when is there gonna be a little ayan causing trouble" I spat the water when she said that. God that was the one question I was dreading to hear.

What am I suppose to say. 'Oh you know I dont think zayn wants to have a child expecially with me considering that he practically got forced to marry me just because of my health issues' yeah no.

"We're not thinking of that at the moment but soon" I said. Jiddah gave me this teasing look but i just pretended like i didn't see her.

We talked for awhile and by the time I went home it has already passe magrib. I look at my fully charged phone and saw 50 missed calls from zayn.

Hey God

How did I not hear? It was with me the whole time and when I checked I saw that i put it on 'do not disturb'. I need to stop putting my phone on do not disturb. Its already a habit.

I connected the phone to my car and called him back, he picked it up after 2 rings.

"Where the hell have you been?" Was the first thing he said. What happened to 'hello, how are you' what happened to that?

"I'm so sorry, I didn't hear the phone ringi-"

"I asked you a question, where were you?" Zayn said cutting me off

Rude much

"I was at my uncle's place" I muttered as tears welled up in my eyes. Shitty hormones.

"-And why didn't you tell me you were going there, do you know how worried I was?"

"I'm sorry-" i said but it came in like a whisper. I heard a sigh from the other line.

"Pls just come home, sorry for shooting at you" he said. I smiled a little like he can see me from the other side but whatever. I hummed and ended the call. Then went back home.

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