Chapter 14

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1 week later

                              Ayan's pov

I am getting discharged today and its been a week normally i wouldn't have given up but its hopeless its already a week and since that day i haven't had a single clue of where ayra is.

I wen't out of the room with the cloths ya arhaan brought for me today to change. I walked out the room and saw that everyone is here my parents, zayn's parents, zuby, saeema and maryam, zayn and ofc ya arhaan. As i walked out of the room zuby came and gave me a bone crushing hug,i hugged her bad instantly and said "did you really miss me that much?".

"Ofc i did you were in a coma for 2 weeks and an extra week in the hospital for your body to heal and hell i missed u" she said in one breath.

"Calm down. well i'm not going anywhere now i promise" i smiled holding up my pinky finger and zuby did the same.

I wen't to hug everyone else and when i was about to hug saeema i felt a knock on my head.

"Ouch what was that for" i said while pouting.

" uh Helloo remember when u woke up and instead of saying hi to me u ignored mee" saeema whining like a little baby.

"Oh come on i wasn't in great condition back then but you see my mucles are now strong" i said showing my arms to her then i heared a snicker i looked to see who it is ofc its zayn i just glared at him and looked at saeema completely ignoring him. For the past 1 week zayn has been taking care of me when nobody was around and i'm really greatful but i don't know if i can trust him. I continued greeting and hugging everybody and it was time to go home.

We were walking to our car but i noticed khadijah wasn't here

"where is ya khadijah?" I saked i wonder where she was she hasn't visited me at all not even once and i thought she was gonna come today.

"Uhm how about we stop at cold stone and get you ice cream"ya arhaan said trynna ignre the questiom but since nobody wants to talk about her i guess i'll drop the topic then i shrieked trynna sound excited i still wonder where she is, i shrugged the thought amd entered the car then we drove off.


We got home everywhere is dark i turned on the lights and saw "ya khadijah" i ran to hug her and she hugged me back instantly.

"I missed you so much why didn't you visit me in the hospital" i sobbed  "i thought you didn't want to see my face ever again thats why you didn't visit".

"Oh honey who said i didn't visit Hmm? When you were in a coma i visited you every single day and night the reason why i didn't visit you when you woke up is because i thought you didn't want to see my face again" khadijah explained but what did she mean by i didn't want to see her face again?.

"What do you mean by i didn't wan't to see your face again?" I asked

"Just fashi it since you don't know" she said


"Well since you guys are done with the whole making up thing the ahmads are coming tomorrow" ya arhaan said totally ruining the moment.

"Oh yea i almost forgot so when we are done we'll start making preperations" mama said

"Ok" we chorused

The next day

I woke up feeling energized finally my own bed not some hospital bed i checked the time and saw it was 7:26AM wow no one is awake right now. I stood up and walked to the bathroom i did my mourning routine and wen't downstairs. I went downstairs and now i'm in the kitchen making toasts with some eggs. I finished and went to the dinning, as i was eating i heared someone clear their throat i looked to see and it was yusra and when i saw her i engulfed her into a hug.

"Never thought i'd say this but i miss you so much yusra" i said still hugging her.

"Ok first get off me"she said. typical yusra.

"And second i miss u too" she muttered shyly i guesa she is not used to using these kinds of words huh weird. Yusra sat beside me and we started gisting while i was making food for the Ahmads and stuff and before i knew it, it was already 8 oclock.

Yusra went to her room while i went to mine. I took a shower and put my cloths on, i dried my hair and put it in a low bun, i wraped my veil on my head and soon enough the Ahmads came.

"Assalamualaikum"i said as i entered the room.

"Waalaikumusalam" they all churosed

"Ina kwanan ku" i said squatting down.

"Lfy lau ya kike" uncle ahmad said

"Lfy qalau" i replied after i sat down and we started talking soon after it was time to eat.

We all went to the dinning area and started eating. While we were uncle ahmad said

"wow who cooked these!".

"It was all our ayan that did this we didn't even know till we woke up" mama said feeling proud well she should be.

"Wow ayan i didn't know you could cook this well" uncle ahma said

"Yea i learned how to cook the age at 13" i said smiling

"13 wow that explains why your food tastes like a 5 star chefs food i rate it a 10/10" uncle praising me like we were the only ones here.


The Ahmads had to leave due to their business so we escorted them to the door.

"I wish i could eat your food again its the best i've tasted in so long" uncle said he has been praising my food since.

"Oh so you don't like my cooking" aunty safina said rolling her eyes while we chuckled staring at the old couple oh how i wish that was me and my husband.

"Uh how about tomorrow i'll cook you another food" i said then he turned his attention to me.

"Ah yes that would be great thank you" he replied

"Your welcome"

"Well i need to leave before your aunt safina blows up from anger" he said then we chuckled

"Alright bye" i waved them goodbye and they left.

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