chapter 39

139 11 0

8 months later

Ayan's pov

I look at myself in the mirror making sure my makeup is done and my clothe is ok. My stomach is now very big and I couldn't be any happier. I'm getting ready to go on a date with zayn.
I went to see if zayn is ready. And to my surprise he was very cute in his black tuxedo wearing his rolex,he turned to me and stared at me like he saw an angel,I was pretty sure I looked very nice and stuff but the look was very intense.

He came closer to me and kissed my forehead "You look beautiful" he said

I smiled at him. And he held out his hand for me to hold. I held his hand and we went out of the house. We entered his car and he started driving.

After around 30 minute later, he stopped at this beautiful restaurant. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and we headed inside.

The inside was just as pretty as outside if not more beautiful. I looked and saw that zayn is gone. I looked to my left and saw a man, maybe in his late 40s.

"Good evening, ma'am. My name is Alfred and I'll be your escort for today" the man said

He moved his hand and gestured me to follow him. I did and he told me to enter the room.  I did and the room was decorated with Teddy bears and heart decorations. I moved closer and saw a gift box. 

I opened it and there was a pair of clothes, pretty ones if I may add. There was a letter. I opened the letter and it says ''this is for when we first met and I was acting like an asshole to you, I'm sorry ''

I smiled at the little paper on my hand and kept it on the table and moved back. I went to the next room while Alfred was behind me. 

This room is decorated like this school type. I moved closer and opened the gift box and there were school supplies inside. I got the letter and it says ''this is for when we bumped into each other again in that shop. Even though you said sorry, I was being mean to you. I'm sorry''

Alfred and I went to the next room and I entered. This gift box is decorated like, I don't even know how to explain it. But it had a ring inside. I carried the letter and read it 'this is for when we got married and I was treating you like shit and I was ignoring you. I'm sorry I made you feel neglected"  I read the letter as my eyes welled up in tears.

I went to the next room with Alfred following suit. I went to the gift box and opened. This one there isn't anything inside but a letter. I opened it and it says "this one is when you found out that you were a bet and I told you I never wanted to marry you. I regret every single thing I did and said to you and I hope you forgive me even though I don't deserve your forgiveness. Just know that I'll never forgive myself for what I've done to you and I just hope you forgive me. I'm sorry'' at this point I was already crying.

I went to the other room and there was nothing, not even a letter. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. It was zayn, I immediately engulfed him in a hug and started crying. Zayn put his hand on my back making small circles around them to make me feel better.

Zayn's pov

Later we went upstairs and the place was nicely decorated how I wanted to be. We made our way to our table. I dragged her chair and she sat down then I went to mine. The waiter soon came and took our order. My plan is working  perfectly fine and Insha'Allah, nothing is going to happen. This is the day I'm finally going to confess my love for her. The music was turned on and I stood up. I went to her and held out my hand.

"May I have this dance" I say. She smiled and took my hand in hers.

We started dancing to the beats, later I moved back a little making her make this confused face. I go on one knee and I take my hand in hers.

"Ayan, I been wanting to tell you this for a long time. Ever since the day I first saw you, I felt this feeling, I tried ignoring the feeling by being mean to you. Everything about you just drives me crazy. Ayan will you please accept me as your husband ayan, i lov—" i was about to complete my sentence till i heard a loud gunshot. I looked at ayan and she paused for a second and tears started rolling down her cheek, I looked at her confused and saw that her hands were around her chest.

I looked and saw blood flowing, my eyes widened as I look behind and saw amir. I immediately went to him and snatched the gun from his hand and shot him. I went back to ayan as I called the ambulance.

Later we arrived at the hospital and they Immediately took her to the ER. I informed arhaan about it and later everyone was in the hospital waiting for them to finish.

After 2 hours of waiting, the doctor finally came out. We all stood up when we noticed him.

"So?, how is she?" Arhaan asks

"I'm sorry to say this but, ayan is dead. The bullet went in too deep and we couldn't save her on time. But thank God, we got to save the child. Congratulations you have a new born baby girl" said the doctor.

No, no. This cannot be happening right now, no! Mama, zubaida and mama(ayans mom) started crying while baba and abba were just quiet. Arhaan him too is silently crying beside abba.

"You can enter the room to say your last goodbyes" we all entered the room and we went to ayans bed. She looks so pale, if not for how she looks, I would've thought she was asleep.

One of the nurse came to me and handed me our baby girl, she looks just like her mother. I promise to make sure she feels loved and will not face a day with a fake smile.  Ayan I promise you this.

"What are you going to name her?" Mama whispered. I thought for a moment to think. I think I'm going to name her...


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