Chapter 15

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                            Ayan's pov

I was In the kitchen cooking for uncle as I promised. I cooked him basmati rice with chicken and other snacks.

I just finishesd cooking him and i packed it in a lunch bag now all i need to do is to go to their house and give it to him. I went to my room and called the driver to be here in the next 10mins i went to closet and wore my clothes. i braided my hair and wore a jersey hijab. I went downstairs and outside and saw that the driver is already here,perfect. I entered the car and told him to drive me to their house and we left.


I am now at their house infront of their door. I knocked on the door and someoke opened it,it was one of their maids she greeted me and i greeted her back. She led me to the living room even though i knew where it was. We went to the living room and i sat down and she went to get refreshments.

Aunty safina entered the living room and when she saw me she was shocked "ayan what are you doing here?" She said.

"Oh i promised uncle ahmad that i'd bring him food yesterday" i said nonchantly

"Omg you actually brought him the food, you know didn't have to" she said

"Let me go and call him"


After a few minutes they came back and u handed them the food

"I can't beleve you actually brought the food for me!" He said surprised

"Well i promised so" i said shrugging it off

"Well i gotta go it was nice seeing you guys" i said as i stood up

"Can't you stay for a little longer?"aunty safina said

"I'm sorry but i promise that i'll come back sooner or later"

"Well ok bye" we baid goodbye to each other and i went home.

                     Safina's pov

Ayan just left so we went to ahmad's office."Kai ahmad can't u see she is the perfect girl for our zayn" i said.

"But safina we can't force them to get married" ahmad said putting two of his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"No we are not going to force them we are just gonna ask them if they wanna get married" i said trying to explain ahmad just sight and nodded

"Fine i'll talk to ayan's father and if they approve then we talk to them" he said sitting down on his big chair.

I smiled at him and he smiled back he stood up and pecked my lips then left.

                     Ayan's pov

I was in my room thinking about ayra. I sighed what if she's dead right now or what if they are torturing her so that she can die a slow but painful deat? I just laid down on the bed just then someone entered the room I didn't bother looking at the person then I heard he/she say "hey you ok?' it was khadijah. I stood up looking at her while pouting.

"are you still thinking about ayra?" She said sitting down at the edge of the bed. I nodded then sighed I've been sighing for awhile right now.

"How about you go and sleep then we try and solve the problem ok" she said

"But I can't sleep" I said

"Ok how about a late night drive it's 2AM in the morning right now so the weather will be nice" she said while I was there on my bed dozing off, then suddenly I saw a peep outside in the corner of my eyes. I looked at the place immediately and saw no one I really need to clear my mind so I agreed on going out on the late night drive.

We hopped on the car khadijah was driving since me I don't know how to drive, we were jamming music singing along just then when I turned around I saw a car coming towards us "KHADIJAH WATCH OUT" then something unexpected happened.

*ambulance sounds*

My eyes where slightly open I kept blinking then I got carried to the ambulance "where is Khadijah' I half whisper

"ma'am calm down we will treat you and we'll answer all your questions"one of the doctors said

"Ma'am please what's your name?" The same doctor asked

"My name is Ayan Muhammad" i said with a weak voice.

"Ma'am try to keep your eyes open and answer our questions" the other said I kept trying to keep my eyes open but I couldn't then the darkness took over me.

Hehe what do I think is gonna happen to Ayan? Well stay tuned to find out and don't forget to vote and comment.

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