Chapter 19

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Yusra's pov

"Ayan you are the reason why khadijah is DEAD" i said then i shut my mouth immediately i can't beleve i just said that just then i felt a sting pain on my cheek, she just slaped me

"GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING WORSE". I don't know why my feet were stuck to the ground i couldn't move my legs but then ayan grabbed my arm dragging me to the door then she threw me across the room causing me to fall on the ground then she slammed the door locking it. I just sighed and left to my room i guess i'll sleep since i don't have anything else to do.

                 Muhammad's pov

We are currently in M.S COPERATION the name of our company both ahmad and safina were here we were talking about one of our client then ahmad said something catching our attention.

"I wanted to talk to you about ayan and zayn"

"Yea what is it?" I asked

"'Well I and Safina have been thinking maybe ayan and zayn should get married" Ahmad responded


" I mean with all that's happened to ayan I think we should get them married as you see how they are to each other.

"I mean I've seen how they were bonding in the hospital you'll think they're friends"

"Fine, I don't see much problem in getting them married" I sighed

"Ok it's settled they are getting married" I'll talk to ayan tomorrow hopefully she'll take it lightly"



Ayan's pov

I woke up to the sound of the athan. I went to the bathroom and performed wudu then went to the walk in closet to get my hijab. I got my hijab and prayer mat and started praying.

After praying I went to my bed I was about to lay down but I saw my phone on the ground i didn't know where I kept it, I picked it up and turned it on good thing its still charged. I looked through the phone and went to phones just to see 50 miss calls from ya arhaan, 80 from abba, 109 from mama and 97 from zubaida I immediately called zubaida and she picked up instantly.

"Omg bro why'd you lock yourself up in your room expecially the same day you were discharged from the hospital remember last time you fainted"

"Na sani I just got sad about khadijah's death and I wasn't thinking straight I'm sorry"

"Its not me you're apologising to it's your mom do you know how heart broken she is. having to deal with her daughter's death and you locking your self up for 3 days straight"

I sighed and said "you're right I was going a little bit overboard I'll go to her now but first I need to call ya arhaan"

"Alright well bye, call me when you're done"

I stood up after ending the call and left the room I headed to Adda's room. when I entered the lights were off and it was completely dark but you could
See small from outside. I went inside and saw mama sitting by the corner of the bed I went there and saw that her eyes were closed but she was doing her mourning athkar if not for her hand moving I would've thought she was sleeping.

"Mama" I said then she flinched opening her eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she had dark circles under her eyes I feel bad for what I've done instead of comforting her and telling everything is alright about her daughters death but instead I have made it worse. Her eyes softened after seeing me then she pulled me into a tight hug

"Ayan" she sobbed

"I'm sorry mama Instead of comforting you about ya khadijah's death I only made it worse my locking my self up"

"Its alright ayan I don't blame you" even after what I've done mama still had the heart to forgive me. We all hugged each other sobbing.


After that emotional breakdown adda went to sleep so I'm going to my room as I was walking I saw arhaan I immediately jumped on him when he noticed it was me he hugged me.

"Kai do you know how worried I was"

"I'm sorry I'll not do that again" I said. He patted my head and said

"Go to sleep later we'll continue talkin"

"Ok" I went to my room and laid down on the bed and I fell asleep".


I woke up to the sound of someone lightly tapping me I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the lights


"Mehh" I said annoyed

"Abba is calling you downstairs he said he wants to talk to you" arhaan said I just hummed then he left.

I went downstairs to my Abbas parlor I entered greeting my parents then I went to my dad and hugged him

"Abba I'm sorry for my childish behaviour"

"Its ok ayan it's just I want to tell u something important" I nodded curiously then sat down.

"Ayan... me and your mother were talking about this and we want to get married to zayn"


"But abba"

"No buts I'm your father I only want the best for you ayan"


"That's finale"

I stood up immediately going to my room locking the door then I heared someone knocking on the door.

"Abeg leave me alone"

"Its me yusra and wallahi I'm not here to cause any trouble".

I unlocked the door and saw her looking at me despite me being angry at her I still opened the door for her I don't know why.

"Hurry up and if you don't—"

" I'm sorry" yusra said cutting me off


"I said I'm sorry for accusing you I didn't know what I was saying" She said "I know it's not my business but I think you should listen to your parents they only want the best for you and you know every story has a back story so there is a reason why they want you to marry that guy zayn and you don't know you might enjoy your married life"

I smiled at her and she smiled back she is right maybe it won't be so bad after all. I went to downstairs and went to my dads parlor, I sat down in front of them they looked at me worried.

"Abba I'm willing to marry zayn"


"Yea I've thought of it and even yusra was the one who convinced me"

"I'm really sorry if you think we are forcing you. You don't have you marry him if you don't want"

"No Abba it's ok I'll marry him"

"Ok well you can go now"


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