Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry for your lost mrs but khadijah didn't make it"

"So that means"

"Khadijah is dead"

                      Arhaan's pov

"Khadijah is dead"mama whispered i didn't even know when i started to cry even mama is crying,i looked at abba i could tell he wants to cry but he didn't. soon enough, everyone came.

we entered ayan's room she was pale like a ghost,her lips where dried and white and she looks so weak how will we tell her about khadijah in this condition . This is the second time she is in the hospital and it hasn't even been a month, i feel bad for ayan, ayan loves khadijah so much i don't know how she is gonna react.

The doctor entered and said "thankfully ayan is alright, she lost a small amount of blood so she'll be alright and will wake up anytime soon."


It has been an hour and everyone is gone the only people that are left are me, zayn, zuby, mama and abba. Zayn is sleeping atleast he got some sleep his eyes were red when he heared the news of khadijah dying i mean who wouldn't cry if his/her gf/bf died.

I heared small movements and saw ayan, she woke up. She tried to sit but couldn't so i went to help.

"Where is ya khadijah" she said,she just woke up and the first thing she asked about was khadijah.

"Khadijah is..." then i remembered what mama told us awhile ago


"If ayan wakes up don't tell her about khadijah wait till she gets discharged from the hospital because atleast by that time she is healthy"

"But why she HAS to know"

"Do you want her to have a heart attack,when she wakes up and asks where is khadijah the first thing we tell her is that khadijah is dead how do you think she'll react? Please I've already lost one daughter,I can't loose another!" Mama sobbed

"Your mother is right we'll wait till she gets discharged" abba sighed.

*end of flashback*

"Khadijah is..?" Ayan said making me come back from my thoughts

"Khadijah is in another room sleeping"

"Oh... ok"

"but are you ok why are your eyes red?" ayan asked curious

"We had a phone call saying you were in an accident ofc we'll cry".

"Anyways are you hungry i'll get you some food" i said changing the topic

"Yea i'm hungry"

"Great i'll get you some food" i went out side to find the nearest resturant then i saw one. I entered and bought some food for ayan and the others they must be hungry.

I went back to the hospital and saw that everyone is awake even zayn. Zubaida was talking to ayan and the rest were sitting i gave ayan the food and she ate it,i looked at the time and it was already 5am in the mourning i sat down beside abba and closed my eyes maybe 30 minutes of sleep won't hurt and then the darkness took over.

                     Ayan's pov

I don't know why but everyone is acting weird expecially when i asked about khadijah,i know something is wrong and i must get to the bottom of this. Ya arhaan tried to change the topic and i just followed not wanting wahala.

"'Kai this is the second time you're in the hospital and it hasn't even been a month" zubaida said as she sat down infront of me arhaan went to go and get me food.

"Toh mai zan ni" i said

What am i suppose to do

"Oh idk maybe get urself away from trouble like seriously you know how dark it is at night but you still went on a drive and look where it led you to" zubaida said like she was my mother. I just smiled at her as she continued lecturing me.

Arhaan came back from where ever he went and gave me my food and the others but he didn't get for himself so i decided to leave small for him. I was about to give him the remaining of the food i left for him but i saw that he was sleeping honestly he does need the sleep he has dark circles around his eyes so i just fashied it and kept the food aside when he wakes up he'll eat it.

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