chapter 28

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Ayan's pov

I woke up feeling a lot better but I still do feel nauseous. I stood up and went to the bathroom and performed wudu, after that I prayed, did my athkar and went downstairs.

I smelt something burning in the kitchen. I went there and saw zayn tryin' to cook. I held in my laughter so that he can't hear me. He removed what was in the oven and I saw --... is that chicken? I went there and collected the black chicken from his hand and threw it away, he looked surprised but he masked it.

"You are supposed to be resting" he spoke as he came towards me and put his hand on my forehead "see your body is still hot"

"Calm down I'm perfectly fine, see" I said "and besides if I didn't come here in time, you would've burnt our kitchen  and what was that you tried to cook?" I asked him

"Kalla let's not talk about what I was cooking. Go and rest, I have everything under control"

"Doesn't seem like it, you didn't even know how to hold that black chicken, was that even a chicken?"

He sighed and said "yes it was chicken, now go and rest"

"No I'm helping" I said as i go to the sink to wash my hands. Zayn just sighed knowing that I'll not agree.

We started cooking and zayn literally didn't know anything about the kitchen and how to cook. He couldn't even cut onions for God sake. He kept whining that we switch what we were doing because the onions were killing his eyes and after alot of pleading, I finally agreed.

We finished what we were cooking and it honestly looks delicious. We made jollof rice and an actually normal chicken.

"Wait why didn't you ask one of the maids to just cook?" I ask zayn as I set the table

"I- uhm I wanted to be the one to cook for you so I told them not to help" he said scratching the back of his neck, awe that's cute

"Well you did a very bad job" I said sitting down, I saw him rolling his eyes before he sat infront of me. I looked at him waiting for him to eat, He took a bite and shook his head approvingly. I smiled and ate the food.

We were sitting in comfortable silence till zayn spoke "why do you keep having those dreams?"

I froze.

I sighed and looked at him, I'm pretty sure he is tired of the answer I've been giving him but I'm not gonna tel him until it's time.

"Zayn you have been asking me this question and I know you already know the answer. I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready"

He sighed at nodded and we continued eating.

"Wait I thought you were suppose to be in the office right now" I said looking at him curiously. He looked at me smirking

"Have you forgotten? You were all over me during fajr saying I shouldn't go" and then that's when it hit me, I remember. Ì duck my head dow  so that he cannot see my red face, I'll just pretend to forget

I looked up to him "I dont think I remember, maybe you were imagining stuff" I say, he just smiled at me and shook his head.

He stood up and left to his room and i just sat there, the heck.

I went to my room to go back to sleep because my head was paining me like mad. When I closed my eyes, I immediately went to sleep.

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry I didn't update in a while. I was on a vacation and I didn't have internet and I know it's a little late but HAPPY NEW YEARR.

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