Chapter 23

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Zayn's pov

I was in my office then my assistant Olivia came in.

"Sir it's time to go for your meeting"

"Alright" I said standing up. I left the room with Olivia by my side. We went to the meeting room there I saw other people from different companies. I sat down on the big chair then we started discussing our plan

Ayan's POV

I woke up to the sound of the athan. It was time to pray zhur so I stood up and went to the bathroom and preformed my wudu. I came out the bathroom and went to the closet and took my hijab and prayer mat and started praying.

I finished praying and did my athkar and I went downstairs but I suddenly got a phone call,It was amir I haven't seen him in a very long time so I answered the phone.

"Hey ayan"

"Hey amir it's been long how have you been?" I asked

"I'm been doin alright, I wanted to ask if we can meet up I need to tell you something important"

"Yea sure I'm not doin anything right now"

"Ok can we meet at jabi park?"

"Yea sure I'll be there in 10" I said then hung up.

I went to my room and inside the walk in closet. I picked out a black abaya and a veil,I put on lip gloss,carried my phone and went out. I found that the driver is also ready so I got inside the back seat and left.


I arrived at the park and saw that no one was there,that's weird. I started looking for amir then I felt a light tap on my shoulder I turned around and it was amir.he was about to go in for a hug but I stepped back I can't touch non mehram.

"Oh sorry" he said

"So what did you want to tell me that is so important you couldn't tell me over the phone"

" I wanted to tell you...ILIKEYOU" he said in one breath. I stood there in shock not knowing what to say so I just stepped back.

"Ayan say something"

"I'm sorry but I'm married" I said not looking at him.

"I know you're married but its obvious you dont love him, ai your marriage is arranged ba so that means you have the rights to be with me since you dont love zayn"

"You're crazy I'm not going to be with you, even if my marriage with zayn is arranged. I only see you as a big brother" I said but then he grabbed my arm forcefully.

"What the heck are you doing"

"If I can't have you,no one can even that your zayn" he said

I tried to get away from his grip but he was too strong. Then a hand stopped him I looked to see who it was and it was... zayn

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