chapter 20

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                        Zayn's pov

I was chilling in my room when zuby opened my door.

"Baba na kiran ka" (baba is calling you)

"Kin san mai sa ya kira ni?" (Do you know why he is calling)

"Ban sani ba but gaskiya it looks serious" (I dont know)

"Ok you can leave"

I went to my dads parlor and saw both mama and Baba.

"Baba gani"

"Eh he I dont really have much time so I'm gonna tell you straight away. We want you to marry ayan"

"What?... habba mana"i forrowed my eye brows

"Haba what? I'm not asking you, I'm telling you"

"Gaskiya I can't marry her. Like how can you tell me to marry someone i don't love"

"Shebi you've grown wings ba how dare you talk back to me" my dad said angrily

"Kai baba, ba haka bane it's just I don't want to marry her"

"Zayn it's just that you are not getting any younger neither am I. You need to start your own family before I die"


"Ka yimun shuru"

"Zayn, ayan has already agreed to marry you. You must get married to her it's an order. The wedding is happening next week" baba said harshly I just quickly stood up and went to my room slamming the door. I can't believe it! ayan agreed to marry me maybe that's why khadijah died she had planned all this to kill khadijah and get Close to me. She will regret ever choosing to marry me I'll make sure her life becomes A living hell. A knock came by the door bringing me back to my rain of thoughts.

"Come in" I yelled

"Ya zayn what happened I heared shouting from downstairs is everything thing alright?"

"Baba has arranged my marriage" I said not sparing her a look

"What!? that's insane he can't just choose who you get to marry"

"Wait who?"


"What?" She gasped dramatically

"Terrible right"

"No! thats amazing, my best friend is gonna become my sister in-law" she squealed.

"Abeg get out" I grabbed her arm and pushed her to the door.

Gosh I let go of that incident forgiving her but now I won't forgive her what  she has done she practically ruined my life I hate her.

                        Ayan's pov

I was just laying down on my bed then zuby called me.


"'Ke why didn't you tell me you're getting married to my brother"

"Wow u called me just for that I was even gonna tell you later"

"Well I heared God I can't wait" I just sighed and and we continued talking and before we knew it was time for magrib. I went to go and pray and I did as I stood up and went to go to keep my hijab and pray mat.

I came out just to find my mom with this random lady she had some things with her but I couldn't point out what it was since it was in a bag.

"Ayan this is Zarah she is gonna help with your skin care and is gonna help with your body". 

"But mama what's all this I dont need this"

"Oh come on your marriage is around the corner so ofcourse your gonna need it. you know when I was gonna get married to your father the same thing happened to me even though I said no anyways I'm gonna leave and you do your thing" I just sighed as my mom left leaving me with the lady she told me to sit down and I did then she put something on my face and it was smelling nice I just let her so her thing and I fell asleep.

1 week later

I can't believe it's my wedding day I could have sworn it was just yesterday they were making preparations some of zayn's family members came to visit even my other family members it was a really tiring week with the hena party and other stuff everyone is tired.

I was on my bed then my mom came and entered with an unfamiliar face she had a kit with her and another one she also had a kit with her but both of them are very different.

"Ayan these people are gonna help with your make up da Kuma gyara jiki"

"Ok" I sat on the chair and they started doin their work one was doin my make up while the other was I guess fixing my... body? Whatever.

By the time they were done the wedding was about to start my mom came inside and she was with the wedding dress she kept it on the bed and she went out.

The wedding dress

I wore the dress and wore a white veil matching with the dress. The door burst open revealing all of  my friends maryam,saeema,zarah,halima and zubaida I immediately hugged them as they entered.

"Ah ahh amarya see yourself you look pretty and your skin is glowing masha'Allah" maryam said while I smiled.

"Abeg in the car we'll shower her with all the compliments we can get people are waiting for the bride o" zubaida said. I carried all my things and we left for the venue.

                   3rd person pov

Ayan was having the time of her life with her friends even tho sometimes she use to space out thinking about how her life Is gonna be after her marriage.

Aunty Karima: ayan's mom's sister and and aunty habiba: ayan's dad's cousin came and took ayan to do the final fada.

They said their salams when they entered asmau's room and met her on a prayer mat lowering her head as she muttered something underneath her breath.

"Come here ayan" she patted the space beside her to go and sit. Her aunties left and it is only ayan and her mom in the room.

Asmau took ayan's hand and looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

"Oh ayan you know how long I've waited for this day to come, where I get to see all my kids get married and alhamdulilah its here, one of my children is getting married. Ayan I need to tell you something important about my life so that you'll know the meaning of Patience. When I was 18 years old I got into an arranged marriage with your father. When we got married your father was a rude and stubborn guy but as time went by we fell in love"

"Omg you and dad were in an arrangement, if you didn't tell me I would've been thinking you fell in love"

"That's what I'm saying ayan it's all about patience"

"Ayan marriage is not a joke you've gotten an opportunity to marry someone even if you dont love him have Patience ayan and you'll see what the almighty can do. May Allah bless you and your marriage. May Allah protect you and your husband from Harm and anything that can ruin your marriage"

"Ameen" Ayan sobbed hugging mama

"Mama I dont want to leave I want to stay with you and abba and ya arhaan"

"Ayan you have to let go, you can't stay with us forever and it's not like you can't visit hmm whenever you miss us just call us hmm?" Ayan just nodded.

Finally it was time to leave they went to the grooms home for the face revel (I honestly dont know what its called) when we arrived there ayan saw aunt Safina and the rest of the family members. Ayan sat down close to aunty Safina and she uncovered her face And heared some people muttering "masha'Allah".

"You're so pretty ayan masha'Allah zayn is so lucky to be your husband" she just smiled muttered a thank you.

Ayan stayed there for like 15 minutes till it was time to leave. Zayn was inside the car when she tried talking to him he completely ignored her so she just fashied it they drove off.

Hello new life.

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