Chapter 32

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*Two weeks later*
Ayan's pov

It's been two weeks since we went for our late honeymoon and we came back a week ago.

During those periods of time,

I've been feeling nauseous, and sick. Zayn doesn't want to eat my food anymore, he is saying that it's too spicy now and I put too much salt in it. When I tasted it, it tasted alright.

I made my way to my bedroom, I'm feeling tired, I've been feeling tired lately too. Sha whatever. I hoped on the bed and went to lala land.

I woke up from my sleep after I think 2 hours, i checked the time and it was 8:57. I was hearing zayn's voice from the kitchen, I went there and I heard him talking to someone.

"Asim dont you get it? I'm tired of loving ayan, I'm tired of pretending to love her, she is so annoying and even her food is starting to taste like shit" I heard

I was about to leave as tears welled up in my eyes but I accidentally made a sound, zayn immediately looked at me as if he saw a ghost.

"Ayan wait it's not wha—"

"–what it looks?. Its exactly what it looks like zayn." I said "why zayn? After everything I've done for you, I know that we had a bad encounter but I thought it was all in the past. How could you do this, I am your wif—"

"A WIFE I DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE!" Zayn shouted, I flinched at his sudden outburst. "You were never my wife, I never loved you and I never will" he continued.

What he said is like someone throwing a bunch of knives in my heart. I left the kitchen and went to my bedroom, crying.

I got a message from an unknown number. It said 'come outside I'm waiting for you


Oh it's from zayn, maybe he is going to apologise. Maybe.

I put on my scarf and went outside, there was no one there and I went out further. I looked around and still no one.

I was about to turn around feeling disappointed till I felt something on my  nose, I struggle from the persons grip and before I knew it, everything went blank.

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