Chapter 3

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Zayn's pov

"YOU" we both say at the same time

"you.. guys know each other?" Zubaida said

"ofc we know each other,he was the person i was talking to you about" the girl said

"ohhh,wait let me introduce you guys to each other first, ayan this is zayn and zayn this is the ayan i was talking about"zubaida said

so she was the ayan zubaida was talking about not gonna lie she is pretty you could obviously tell she is fulani but not completely. She had a fair skin,brown eyes,pink lips and she has fashion sense.I didn't talk the whole time untill she spoke

"aren't you gonna apologize for bumping into me"

"i'm not gonna do something that i didn't do and we both weren't looking our way so like you said we both are at fault" i said

"has he always been like this"i heared ayan whisper to zubaida wow that girl cannot whisper

"don't worry you'll see a diffrent zayn when he opens up to you"zubaida whispered back even tho i can hear them i just pretended not to hear.

After the meeting that my sister did with her friend we went home,i was so tired and She could not stop ranting about how she missed ayan,she just could not stop talking about her,i went to my room and locked my door so that zubaida wont disturb me.i went to the bathroom and performed ablution because i didn't pray asr. After praying asr i went to sleep for sometime.

                     Ayan's pov
I just came back home and i went straight to my room,as i walked into my room i saw yusra on my bed and everything was a mess and thats when i lost it

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" i said in anger

"oh come on your room needed a little decoration so i decorated it for you" she said

"can you please just leave my room and thank you for decorating it" i said

she went out the room hissing i sigh and went to the bathroom and performed ablution after i performed ablution i went to pray. After praing ya arhaan came in saying that abba is calling us,i went downstairs to see abba and all my siblings sitting, i sat dowm beside khadijah

"abba me ya faru" i said

"next week you are going to a new school" abba said

"but why so soon" khadijah said "its better you start soon anyway, so tomorrow you will go with your siblings to a store to buy what ever things you need for school"

"toh abba" we said in unision after that my siblings went to their rooms and i went to the kitchen to drink water when i went back to my room both khadijah and arhaan were there

"finally you're back and what happend to your room"arhaan said how can i tell them it was yusra that did this mess

"i was looking for something but i guess i got carried away that i spoilt my room" i said, lying

"you think i'm dumb karya ki ke yi" arhaan said

"ki gayan mana gaskiya"(tell us the truth) khadijah said

"yusra ce ta maida dakin na haka"  haka"(yusra made this room like this) "

"eh yusra the maids daughter" arhaan said

"yes" i replyed back "ke kuma bikiyi komai ba" (and you didn't do anything) khadijah said

"toh meh zan yi you know how abba is, if he finds out about this he will fire nafeesah" i said (nafeesah is the mother of yusra)

"will you please keep this a secret"i pleaded

"toh amma idan ta sake yin wani abu na rashin hankali zan fadawa abba" arhaan said

"na gode"

i thought they were about to leave but i saw they are still on the bed not doing anything

"aren't you gonna leave now?" I asked

"and leave you to clean this room by yourself nah that aint gonna happen beside its to much work for you to do by yourself and abba could come in any minute and see this mess"'khadijah said.I'm really lucky to have siblings that care for me

"alright let get to work" arhaan said

"but dont forget to put music"khadijah said arhaan hummed in reply and went to get speaker after arhaan got the speaker he jammed some music and we got to work


We just finished cleaning my room and the three of us lie down on the bed exhausted

"thanks for helping me clean my room" i said

"what are siblings for" khadijah said as she stood up to leave after she left i saw that arhaan isn't leaving

"kai ma ba zaka tafi ba?"i said(aren't you also gonna leave?)

"Are you just gonna let her keep doing this thing to you"arhaan said i sighed and said

"arhaan she is just a small child she'll have to stop sooner or later"

"but if you keep letting her bully you she wont stop even if she grows up"

"we'll see what happens and if she dosen't stop i'll either have to warn her or go tall abba" i said he just hummed and stood up to leave but before he left he patt my head and said

"you'll never change will you" before i could respond he left the room.

I'm done with this chapter as you can see its not as long as the other chapters and sorry if i made a mistake like i said english is not my first lauguage and i'm still learing english i'll try my best to post everday but its all the time i'll be posting everday and thank you for reading.

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