chapter 33

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Zayn's pov

After my sudden outburst, ayan left the kitchen. I felt bad for her but I wanted to make her life miserable. She is the cause of my sadness and anger.

I was about to leave till asim suddenly spoke. I even forgot I was on a call with this guy. I put to the phone to my ear and spoke "what"

"Guy that was too much, why did you have to shout at her like that. Mumu man now you have ruined my plan" Asim said. I honestly wonder if this guy is actually part of this family.

"Shege Don't make me the villain, you are the one who gave me the idea and you are telling me that, that was too much. You de craze"

"Abeg I don't have the time for your nonsense, I have other work to do. Bye, you solve your own problems, I'll solve mine"

"Asim don't you da—" and before I could finish, he ended the call.

I passed by ayans room and heard nothing, that's strange. She is probably sleeping, I went to my room and entered the bathroom.

After sometime, I got out and changed my clothes, I went to my office to have some work done.

After 1 hour, I finally went to bed. The time being 11:47pm, I had to sleep.

The next day

I woke up feeling refreshed and ayan hasn't come to my room to disturb me.


I went to the bathroom to take a bath. When I was done, i wore my clothes and left to go to work. Ayan still hasn't come out of her room. It's kind of worrying me. Keeping the thoughts away, I went to my office with olivia following behind.

I had a meeting with the Smith's and its about to happen in an hour or so. Within that time, I have time to complete my work.


Its night time and its finally time to go home. I went home and said my Salam but there was no answer. I went to the kitchen but no one was there, dinning area, no one was there. And finally I went to her room.

Her room was perfectly well made as if no one has touched it. I made my way to the bathroom, and still no one was there.

This girl cannot be serious right now. So because of a small argument she left the house. God I can't with this girl. But I couldn't careless.

I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat but then I remember I can't cook. The last time I cooked,  I ended up burning the chicken. I'll just watch a YouTube tutorial.

I carried my phone and typed 'how to cook jollof rice' I got the ingredients and it was finally time to cook.

When I was done i looked at my final work and it was a... fail.

Ok, how the heck does ayan do this? It's so tiring. Now that I think of it, I miss her food.

I called her number and it instantly put me to voicemail. I tried again and it was still the same. I tried again and again and again. When I was about to try calling her again, the doorbell rang.

I went there to answer the door and when I opened the door, it was a girl, she was short, like very short and she had a caramel skin tone.  Her hair was open and it was...I wouldn't say short,but not long as well. it has passed her shoulder.  I was about to close the door thinking that she came to the wrong house till she stretched her hand out to me

"Hi, I'm ayra"

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