Chapter 4

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                    Khadijah's pov
After cleaning ayans room i went to my room to call my bf it's been a week since we talked,i grabbed my phone and called him, he picked up after 2 rings

"hello?" He said i guess he was sleeping

"hello zayn" i said

"oh khadijah its you i didn't see the caller id how are you?" He spoke through the phone

"i'm fine what about you"

"i'm better than ever" he replied

"what have you been doing lately expecially since you moved in not so long ago" he said

"nothing really me and my brother just helped our sister clean her room"

"why,cant she do it herself?"

"no, it was too much work for her our maids daughter did the mess and she practiclly destroyed her room"

"wait the maids daughter why didnt she tell abba?" He said shocked

"we told her she should but she says no, he might fire the maid" i sighed "she's too kind for this world and if she continues, people will take advantage of her" zayn hummed in reply.

After that we talked about other things and i ended the call and went to pray.

                      Ayan's pov
I went to the bathroom to perform ablution to go and pray after i prayed my friends called me and i picked up the call


"saboda yanzu ayan ta motsa ba za ta kira mu ba" saeema said(because now ayan has moved she will not call us)

"eh man" ayra said

"ba haka bane,ban samu lokachi ba saboda har yanzu muna ajusting ne"i said(its not like that,i didnt have time because we were still ajusting)

"wayoo ayan zata manta da mu" maryam said with fake tears (ayan will forget about us)

"oya leave the poor girl alone" zubaida said

"thank you zubaida at least she is somehow sensible" i said

"so what has been happening in this your new home" saeema said

''wallahi alot has been happening expecially with the maids daughter" they all look at me with questioning look then i started explaining what yusra has been doing to me since i moved in

"sannan ke baki da kwakwalwa ba zaki fadawa abba ba" maryam said ( because now since you dont have a brain you didnt tell abba)

"toh what am i suppose to do she is 11 and abba will fire her mother if i tell him" i said

"ayan you will never change" zubaida said

"eh man ayan if you continue being nice, people will take advantage of you" ayra said

"i know ayra i'm trying" i said

"kai Abeg lets leave this depressing topic and chat abt something else" maryam said

"and what should we talk about" i said "likee have you found any guy you're into"

"no but there was this rude but fine person i met in a cafe" i said and started explaing what i have been doing from top to bottom expecially the zayn part

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