Chapter 8

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                        Ayan's pov
As arhaan was driving we stoped at cold stone its like he read my mind that i was craving ice cream, as we entered we saw maryam and her minions amirah and farida there were my old school bullies and maryam had a massive crush on arhaan, but arhaan eventuallay found out about their bullying and they got mad and they made their bullying worse to the extent that they'll cut me with knife and i still have thoses scars on my body, i hid behind arhaan hoping that they wouldn't see me but i guess the universe is not with me today

"omo is that ayan?" Farida said as she looked at me, i got more scared as they all looked at me maryam snickered and said "yes o it is her and she still looks pathetic" and they started to laugh at me, my eyes got teary as i looked down embarassed arhaan was listening and i'm pretty sure he saw red but i was caught off guard when i heared a slap sound coming from them i turned to see that khadijah slapped maryam

"shegiya meyasa zaki mareni" maryamb said angry.

(why would you slap me you bastard)

"Oh toh ni zaki kirani shegiya amma kin ga kanki a madubi kamar mataccen bera" khadijah fired back at her maryam's minions laughed and some other people in the crowd that can hear hausa maryam glared at her minions and they stopped laughing.

(So me you'll call me bastard but have you seen yourself in the mirror like one dead rat)

I heared arhaan chuckle but it all vanished as maryam slapped her,khadijah lost it and pounced on maryam and they both started fighting and people started recording as the crowd got bigger and bigger eventually arhaan and some random guy split the both of them apart

"ke khadijah de na ita bata da daraja" arhaan said as he helped her fix her hijab so that it'll not fall

(Khadijah stop it she is not worth it)

Even tho khadijah is the oldest arhaan acts like he is the oldest and not gonna lie he fits the job as an elder brother,arhaan has helped us in so many things and we are greateful.

We got our ice cream and went home,as arhaan was parking i saw there was other cars that i didn't recognized so i asked arhaan

"ya arhaan whos cars are these?"

"Didn't abba tell you that we were gonna have guests?" He asked

"no" i replied shortly

"abeg lets get out of the car and if abba asks why we're late say there was a long line at cold stone" ya khadijah said as she went out the car i sighed as both me and ya arhaan also left the car, khadijah was angry because of the even that happend earlier so we gave her sometime to cool of but ig she's still angry.

As we entered the house i saw two elderly people they looked arround my parents age as i enterd i greeted them

"ina wuni ku" i said as i squat down so did arhaan

"lfy qalau" they chorused 

"sit" the woman said then i remember they were zubaidas parents i didn't remember them since i dont usually see them when ever i visit zubaida because they're always on business trip.

"Ya kike" the woman said i don't remembet her name so i call her aunty

"Lfy" i said as i smiled she smiled back at me and said

"kin tuna ni ko" as she raised her eyebrows.

(You remember me right?)

"yes" i said shortly

"then mai suna na" she said as she gave me an evil smile

(Then whats my name)

"Your name?" I said nervously then  i heared a chuckle i turned to look at the person just to see it was zayn i got angry but i didn't have time to argue expecially infront of his parents. As i turned around i saw zubaida whispering something i didn't even know she came too, as i was reading her lips i found out she was trynna tell me her mothers name, i looked carefully then i knew what her name was

"sunan ki aunty safina" i said as i smiled God that was a close one

"ashe kin sani" (so you know)

"anyways i need to go and freshen up i'll be right back" i said as i stood up to leave

"zan bi ta" zubaida said.

(I'll follow her)

I entered my room and zubaida followed

"ke that was close" zubaida said

"i swear ba, imagine i got that wrong" i said as released the breath i didn't even know i was holding

"anyways are you still fighting with my brother" zubaida said as she sat down on the bed "

tbh i dont even know, we haven't argued in awhile so i dont think so" i said as i entered my walking closet then zubaida snickered

"whats so funny?" I asked

"my brother wont back out till you say sorry, you see that big head he has, that big head is not for nothing" she said and i laughed.

I changed into a baggy gray shirt and a palazo with a cap to cover my hair then I went out of the closet and saw that zubaida was using her phone"oya lets go" i said then she stopped what she was doing and looked at me then she nodded. Then we went out the room.

As we entered they stopped what they were doing and gave us their full attention. I sat down beside zubaida and aunt safina was infront of me

"so Ayan how old are you?" Aunt safina asked

"i'm 19 years old" i replied

"oh really i thought you were the same age as zuby right here" she said as she chuckled

"do you know how to cook?" She asked again

"yes" i said shortly and she kept asking me other questions like what do you wan't to be in the future and other stuff but one question that gave me my full attention was have i ever thought of getting married and i replyed with

"i mean yea i have always adored marriage and hope one day i'll get married to the one i love"

"ohh thats nice" she said i was confused at why she was asking me variouse of question and my family were confused too but she dropped the questions and talked abt other things.

By the time they were done it was time for magrib and the boys wen't to the masjid and prayed, when they came back they left.

Finally done with this chapter so don't forget to like and comment

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