Chapter 13

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                     3rd person's pov

Ayan fell asleep in arhaan's arms,he placed her on the bed gently so that she'll not wake up if you look at ayan you'll know she is not ok, her body so slim you'll know she hasn't eaten at all, pale skin,her lips are dried and white she is not in a great condition, she has been in a coma for 2 weeks now. Arhaan stared at her weak body just then someone entered the room it was Zayn, arhaan sighed as zayn sat down beside him.

"Baza ka tafi gida ba?" He said.
(You'll not go home?)

"Zayn how can i go home when my sister is in this condition" arhaan replied. even arhaan is in bad condition he hasn't been taking good care of himself only thinking about his sister not once has arhaan stopped visiting his sister on the other hand khadijah has been acting sus she rearly visits ayan,always going out and her attitude has changed completely.

"Thats why i'm here i'll take care of her while you go home and rest, ok?" He said knowing very well that ayan doesn't like him

"But you know ay-—"

"Ayan doesn't like me i know but i'll try looking after her and if anything goes wrong i'll call u immedeatly" zayn cutting him off.

Arhaan sighed finally saying ok. After looking at his sister for awhile he left and its only zayn and ayan in the room.

Zayn was sitting down next to ayan using his phone not even knowing that ayan has woken up.

"Where is arhaan?" Ayan said with her weak voice trying to sit up straight.

"Arhaan went home awhile ago so i'm taking care if you in the mean time" zayn answering her question.

"I thought you would wake up anytime soon so i brought fo—"

"I'm not hungry" ayan cutting him off but luck was not on her side when they both heared a hungry stomach. Zayn mentally chuckled as ayan lowered her head in embarrasment.

"Here eat if you want to get out of this hospital early and save your friend" zayn said handing her the food which she didn't protest anymore. When ayan put the food in her mouth she remembered how much she missed food ayan has always been a foodie.


Ayan has finished her food and the nurse came to give her a medicine ayan took the pill and she fell asleep.

                      Zayn's pov

Ayan fell asleep after the nurse gave her her pills and now i'm on the couch trying to sleep.

just then! i heared a knock i forrowed my eyebrows trynna figure out who it is because it possibly can't be arhaan, ayan and my parents went on a business trip it can't be them so who could it be.

I stood up to open the door and i saw khadijah. i made an annoyed face and tried closing the door but she stopped me. I and khadijah had a fight and i was already angry at her because she doesn't visit ayan like seriously who doesn't visit their sister whan they are in a coma.

"What do you wan't" i said coldly

"I want to tell you something important" she responded nervously i sighed and let her enter lets just hope ayan doesn't wake up. I sat down and she sat across me.

"Alright what do you want" i said

"I need to tell you something about ayra" she said i leaned forward suddedly became curious of what she has to say.

"Ayra is in grave danger" she said

"And how do you know that?" I said curious

"Look i can't tell you now and this is the only info i can tell you if you don't find ayra in 6 days she'll be killed" she said as i looked at her leaving the room and then she said

"tell ayan hi and tell her i'm sorry that i never visited her and i'll make sure to explain myself to her when she gets better" she said then she left.

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