Chapter 24

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Zayn's pov

We finished the meeting after 1hour and I'm in my office packing my stuff since I'm not suppose to come back till one week.

I came out and I was about to enter my car till I found this homeless man on the streets,I went to him and gave him 10k his face lit up and he started crying thanking me. He looked like he's in his late 50s.

"Thank you so much, you dont know how much I appreciate this. I can finally feed my wife and kids" he said still crying

"Dont worry sir I know what it feels like to not have money or food" I said

"Thank you kind man once again" he said smiling

"You're welcome, I need to go,I wish I can I can stay longer but—"

" it's okay young man you can leave you've already done a lot for me" he said cutting me off I smiled and went back to my car and drove off.

When I came back the house was silent. I went to ayan's room and knocked but there was no reply so I knocked again but still so I just opened the door. When I opened the door there was no one there so i checked the bathroom still no one was there so I went downstairs in the kitchen on one was there so I asked one of the maids. Apparently she went to jabi park to meet with a friend I wonder who it is.

I went to my car and drove off to jabi park. When I arrived no one was here then I heard a Male voice.

"If I can't have you, no one else can even that your zayn" I went there to check and saw Amir grabbing ayan's hand forcefully.

I went there and grabbed his hand then they all looked at me before he could react i threw him a punch making him stumble backwards ayan gasped in shock then I grabbed ayan's hand and made her stay behind me. Amir was about to fight back but I punched him again making him cough out blood. I pounced on him punching him countless times.

"" I said punching him between my words.

"Kai zayn that's enough" I heard ayan say but I didn't budge I kept punching him. Then ayan grabbed my shoulder trying to stop me finally I let him go, i grabbed ayan and pulled her to the car. As we entered nobody uttered a word, I started the car and I drove off.


We're back home and I'm in my room right now it was already 3:49 so they're gonna call asr prayer. I stood up and went to the bathroom and performed wudu so that if they call prayer I dont have to do wudu again. I laid down on my bed then I heard a knock knowing who it is i replied with a hum the door slowly opening revealing ayan.

"What do you want" I said

"Uhm i wanted to thank you about earlier" she said looking down I just hummed and she just awkwardly left, the heck.

Ayan's pov

I went out his room awkwardly not knowing what to say. I went back to my room then I heard the athan for asr I went to my bathroom and performed wudu and went and prayed.

I finished my athkar and I'm on my bed  using my phone then I started to wonder how did zayn find my location? I just fashied it and went downstairs to eat. The food was macaroni so I put some for myself and started eating.

I finished eating and went to the ceiling living room and started watching barbie and before I knew it time passed by and it was already the end of the day.

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