Chapter 11

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"Reporting live that a 20 years old girl name Ayra imam jibreel has gone missing around 4am in the morning,the police are still on the look out for her".

I dropped my bowl as i heared Ayras name in the tv. the bowl broke into pieces just like my heart, ayra is one of my bestfriends i knew her since i was 10 in year 7. Everyones eyes were on me i looked at them with teary eyes as they looked at mine with worry,i ran upstairs to my room and locked it, i started crying then i heared a knock on my door

"Go away" i said with my crooked voice

"Ayan please come out" i heared arhaan say

"Dan Allah leave me alone" i said

"Ayan please" he said whispering i just kept silent.

I laid on my bed still crying as i heared his footsteps slowly fade i tried keeping my eyes open but whats the point at least i'll feel a little refreshed so i let the darkness take over.


I woke up and checked the time it was 8pm for how long have i been sleeping? I asked myself. whatever. i haven't eaten anything and i don't feel like eating i don't care about my health the only thing i'm worried about is ayra what if something happened to her, what if she got raped or some mafias are trynna sell her for sex trafficing, what if she's dead, what if, what if... ugh my head was paining me so i wen't to get medicine i took two pills but before i could put them in my mouth my head hit the ground and i saw black.

                    Arhaan's pov
I'm infront of ayan's room right row, she locked it since 11am and now its 8pm. i sigh

"arhaan leave her,she'll come out eventually" khadijah said out of nowhere

"baki gane ba khadijah, what if something happens while her door is locked expecially when she hasn't eaten all day" i said frustrated

"well...have you tried calling zuby?" Khadijah said sitting down next to me,zuby thats it i'm sure zuby can get her out i pulled out my phone from my pocket and dailed her number she picked up after 2 rings

"hello?" I heared a sleepy voice say she must've been sleeping

"ayan locked herself and she won't come out" i said in one breath

"Eh?!* She said half shouting "why?" She continued clearing her voice

"its because of her friend ayra she has gone missing,she locked herself since 11am and she hasn't eaten anything" i sighed

"don't worry i'm on my way" she said.

                    Zubaida's pov

I just ended the call and i'm getting ready i wore a peach abaya with a matching veil and i'm going downstairs right now. I went downstairs looking for my car keys but i couldn't find.

"Ya zayn" i said when i noticed zayn "na'am" he replyed not paying attention to me

"have you seen my car keys?"i said still looking for it 

"No i haven't" he said still not paying attention bro what is he doing with his phone

"toh can you please drive me to ayan's place?" I said in a hurry



"No" he said seriously

"bro this is not the time to be feeling proud ayan locked herself up in her room and she hasn't eaten anything"

i said shouting "you thin-. Toh i'll just get your car key and  drive to her house" i said cutting him off, he sighed and said

"toh lets go i'll drive you there" i smiled at him as he wen't to get his car keys. After a few mins he came back with keys and we left.


We just arrived at the house and now we are infront of the door i knocked 3 times and after a minute the door opened it was arhaan and he was looking like a mess

"bro what happened" zayn said and arhaan started explaining what happened for a second i saw zayn's eyes soften as arhaan was explaining the matter is he starting to care for ayan? Whatever I'll figure that out later right now the only thing that matters is ayan.

i went out of my thoughts when Zayn said

"so what are we gonna do now?" "I don't know i tried breaking the door but i couldn't" arhaan replied

"wait i have the keys to her room she gave me an extra just incase" i said as i reached my purse to grab the key i showed them the key and they were looking at me in disbeleve

"what" i askes them

"you had the key the whole time?" They chorused

"yeah so lets go and open the door" i said as i entered the house God my feet are killing me from standing all day.

I reached her door and everyone was behind me i put the key through the little hole thingy and unlocked the door and what i saw made my heart drop "AYAN!".

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