chapter 6

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                           Ayan's pov
Today is the day we are going to get our things necessary for school to be honest i fell like something is about to happen but i'm not sure what that thing is. I went to my closet and brought out a loose jeans,white shirt and a short kimono and a matching veil.

"Ke Ayan kiyi sauri mana" khadijah said (ayan hurry up)

"toh i'm almost done" i said.i picked the cloths i brought and wore them after that i went downstairs to meet both my siblings looking annoyed and i knew it was because of me

"sorry i took long i hope i didn't keep you guys waiting" i said while they gave me an angry face

"no dont worry you didn't take that long you just took like 50 mins getting ready" ya arhaan said while rolling his eyes obviosly being sarcastic

"and right now the both of you are wasting my time by talking" khadijah said as she stood up to leave as we followed, i went inside the back seat while khadijah was on the passengers seat and arhaan was on the drivers seat then we drove off.


We just arrived at the store we were looking for the the things untill i got carried away and went to the cloth section and i saw alot of cloths that i liked and i picked them one by one as i was walking still looking for more cloths i bumped into something hard as i fell,i looked at the thing i bumped into and my face went from worry to annoyed

"ugh what are you even doing here and in the womens section you pervert"i said as i stood up

"thats none of your business" he said

"kai zayn or what ever your name is this time its you who bumped into me this time and you're not even suppose to be here" i said clearly annoyed

" i'm not the person that was looking at the cloths like they are some pray" he said while rolling his eyes

"shege" i muttered under my breath

"what did you just call me?" He said angry

"i called you a shege what are you gonna do about it huh hit me?" I said

"now listen girl as i'm being nice i'm giving you the chance to go away from here before i do something you wont like" he said angry and honestly i was scared but i decided not to show it so i walked away while hissing.

As i was walking i bumped into someone "not again" i said to myself

"'kai cant you ever leave me alone" i said to the person thinking it was zayn but when i looked up i saw one of the most handsome person, sure you can't compare him with Zayn but he was still handsome, he had a tanned skin,dark brown eyes,curly hair and pink lips "omg i'm so sorry i thought you were someone else" i said worried

"its okay" he said and smiled and oh my Allah he has dimples,i smiled back at him

"i mean i was the one who bumped into you anyways i wasn't looking my way" he said gosh he's so nice why can't Zayn be like that

"Ayan!" I said as i pulled my hand to shake his and he gladly accepted "Amir!" he said as we shook hands. After that we talked for awhile

"oh i need to go" i said

"its alright but before you could go can i have your number" he said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck

"sure" i smiled and gave he gave me his phone to type in my number. After that we parted ways and i went to get the things i want for school and since i was done with whatever thing i was looking for i decided to stroll around the store before khadijah and arhaan were done.

While i wss strolling i saw khadijah and Zayn talking like they have known each other for a while and i decided to go and check as i was walking, i noticed that Zayn saw me and his expression changed but i didn't care.

I walked over to khadijah and said "ya khadijah are you done?"

"Eh na gama" she said as she looked at me( yeah i'm done)

"how do you know him?" I asked as i looked at him

"oh i forgot to introduce you two, ayan this is my boyfriend Zayn ,Zayn  this is my sister ayan" khadijah said

"BOYFRIEND/SISER" me and zayn said at the same time

"so you wanna get back at me for bumping into you by dating my sister" i said

"how was i suppose to know you were her sister" zayn said

"you guys know eachother?"Khadijah said confused

"yea we know eachother he bumped into me at a cafè and didn't say sorry" i said annoyed

"excuse me I bumped into you, you were the one who bumped into me" he said emphasizing the i then we continued arguing till khadijah decided to talk

"ok both of you bumped into eachother now stop arguing like children people are looking at us" khadijah said half shouting at us

"there you guys are i was look-... oh hey man how you doing" arhaan said as he looked at Zayn and hugged him and zayn hugged him back

" so the both of you know each other" i said shocked

"yea zayn and i have been friends since childhood" arhaan said

"how comes both you and khadijah know him and i only met him a few days ago" i asked

"idk" arhaan shurged "and let go since the both of you are done" arhaan said again

"i'd gladly do so,i dont want to stay here any minute" i said as i left.

                  Arhaan's pov
I was done with my shopping and i decided to tell khadijah and ayan that i'm done so that we can leave but as soon as i turned around both of them are gone so i went to go and look for them i checked everywhere but i couldn't find them then i remember the cloths section both khadijah and ayan likes dressing up so they must be there, i went there to find both of them then i went to them

"there you guys are i was look-.. oh hey man how you doing" i said when i noticed Zayn and hugged him and he hugged me back

"so they both of you know each other" i heared ayan say

"yea me and zayn have been friends since childhood" i said

" how comes both you and khadijah know him and i only met him a few days ago" ayan said while whining

"idk" i shrugged

"and lets go since the both of you are done" i said

"i'd gladly do so,i dont wan't to stay here any minute" ayan said as she left

"whats her problem" i said curiously

"both Zayn and ayan met in bad terms and a minute before you came they were both arguing" khadijah ansered my question and i made an O shape with my mouth

"anyways it was nice meeting you dude i'll come to visit sometime" i said as i looked at zayn " it was nice meeting you too" Zayn said as we hugged and then we left.

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