Chapter 18

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Ayan's pov

3 days later

I woke up and alhamdulilah i'm leaving this hospital i already wore my clothes and i'm about to go now i wonder where khadijah is i haven't seen her since i woke up and whenever i ask anyone they either change the topic or say "she still hasn't woke up" and its obvious they are hiding something.

"Mama where is ya khadijah" i said hoping that she'll tell me where she is.

"Ayan i told you she hasn't woken up yet"

"Then why can't i visit her room?" I asked.


I'm getting really suspicious its obvious they are lying their facials says it all.

"How about we go home hmm da ma you have been wanting to go home" ya arhaan said once again changing the topic

"No i'm not leaving till i get to see khadijah" i said seriously ya arhaan sighed and looked at adda then she gave him a nod what the fuck is going on here?

"Ayan we'll tell you when we get home,here is not the best place to tell you" abba said i hesitated before i gave in and nodded then we went to the car and we left.


We are now back home, Oh home sweet home how i missed this place. We went inside mama told me to sit down they all looked nervous and i started to also get nervous i mean i was the one that somehow forced them to tell me what happened to khadijah so why am i suddenly feeling uneasy.

"Ayan we knew we weren't gonna keep this a secret for long. promise us that you aren't gonna do anything drastic" Mama said in a low but soft voice making me feel somehow calm

"I cannot promise something when i don't even know what that promise is" i said then she took a deep breath and said

"Ayan, khadijah is dead" when she said that there was a pin drop silence

"What" i whispered that was the only thing i could say i want to say more but i couldn't i don't know what is stopping me but i couldn't speak its like someone or something is controling me

"Khadijah is dead, she died the night you guys had an accident since she was the driver the impact of the accident got to her the most and how the car was positioned" mama explained. I dont even know how to react i just stood up and went to my room not saying anything i didn't even know when but i just started crying, i just cried and cried till i fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing i checked and saw that ya arhaan is calling me i switched off my phone and tossed it somewhere i just went to the bathroom and performed my wudu if i can't do anything might as well go and perform my salah. I'm praying my two nafilahs and im in the last raka'a i poured my heart out to Allah knowing he is the only one who can help, i stood up from my sujud and did my tahajood and said my salam, i'm doing my athkar right now. When i finished i layed down on the prayer mat then sleep took over me.

3 days later

I heared a knock on my door i just kept silent not wanting to say anything.

"Ayan" mamaa said more like a whisper i didn't say anything basically ignoring her

"Please come out today is your sister's burial" mama said still ignoring her. I heared her foot steps slowly fade.

After a few minutes someone knocked on the door again and i got annoyed.

"WHAT" i said annoyed

"Calm down its me" it is yusra "your family went to perform khadijah's janazah" i finally open the door

"I'm surprised you even let me in" she said i just wen't back to my bed and she followed.

"Why weren't you opening the door for anyone but when i knocked you let me in" she asked raising her eyebrows then i started thinking why did i open the door for her we aren't even close i just layed down not replying to her.


"don't mention her name i don't wanna hear it" i said serious

"Why you can't handle the truth" yusra said more like challanging me i looked at and said

"GET OUT" firmly

"Why?, is it because you think you killed khadijah well let me tell you the truth since nobody will. Ayan YOU are the reason why khadijah is DEAD" yusra said then i gave her a tight slap.

"GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING WORSE" i said angryly but she wouldn't budge so i grabbed her arm harshly and threw her out of my room making her land on the ground then i closed my room locking it again. I scoffed and to think she came here to comfort me!

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