Chapter 35

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Ayan's pov

I can't believe it! It's khadijah. She is infront of me and not dead.

"B-but how?"

"Oh darling, nowadays it's easy to fake your death. How'd you think the break suddenly stopped working when it was perfectly fine like 3 hours ago. Sense baby, sense"

"Yea but why did you fake your death? I mean life was pretty good for you and all,  I don't understand what made you feel the need to fake your death"

"Gosh I don't want to involve myself in this shit, I'm going" ayra suddenly spoke. She turned her heels to leave and she left.

"Now, answer my question. Why? Why did you do it, your life was so perfect, why did you have to go this far to actually fake your dea–"

"Because i was fed up, ok? Do you know what it felt like to be under your shadow? 'oh why can't you be more like ayan?, why can't you be better than ayan?' Do you know how absolutely embarrassed i was? I was so tired of getting compared to you of all people. You are my little sister, I'm suppose to be the one they use as an example so that both you and arhaan can live up to me, try to be like me or just at least try to depend on me. But no, it's the other way round. Ayan did this, ayan did that. I was so fed up with people trying to compare me to you. And once when I was finally happy with my boyfriend zayn, you just gad to steal him from me too" khadijah said.

So she did this out of jealousy, she was tired of me being me. Wow!

"You know when I found out that zayn was grieving over my death, you didn't know how happy I was to find someone that actually cares for me. Till of course his parents just had to bring up the idea of marrying you. Because ayan is the perfect daughter for my son. They knew I was dating zayn but they still took an interest more to you. Oh uncle ahmad loved your food, aunty safina loved your character. Did Any of you think of what khadijah was feeling? No. But when I sent that maid of yours zainab to spy on you, you don't know how happy I was to find you pained, the torture zayn was giving you even though it wasn't much made me so happy. But then, he started to become nice to you, that infuriated me so much to the core I felt like going there and just killing you with my own two hands. But yesterday zainab recorded a conversation between him and asim. And I was over the moon again when I found out that you were just a play, a bet between friends. And then you, apparently overheard the conversation and he lashed out on you. I felt happy, not even happy but overjoyed. And when ayra went to your house, zayn didn't look worried at all, he wasn't bothered or anything, just chill. That is when I knew that not everybody must like the so-called ayan, the so-called ayan that i wish she was dead."

It must be nice to hear that your own sister wants you to die.

Note the sarcasm..

"But you had an opportunity to kill me, why didn't you kill me then?"

"For fun I guess, I wanted to see how long your happiness will last, so that when you are broken, I'll break you even more and so that you can live a slow and painful death. But anyways lets change the topic, how is arhaan? The sibling i actually care for"

I just hummed in response, I don't want to talk. "But you do know Allah will ask you on the day of judgment, God knows i didn't do anything to you"

"Oh please, Allah knows my intentions so I'm safe"

This girl cannot be serious right now, her intentions are literally to kill me, how is she safe? We stayed there quiet not uttering a single word. Khadijah was texting on her phone and laughing about something. I just rolled my eyes and shut them, trying to sleep, I'm tired of this shenanigans.

I want to watch barbie.

Finally ayra was coming back but I heard another familiar voice, the door flung open revealing ayra and.


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