Chapter 21

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                       Ayan's pov

After several hours of driving zayn woke me up saying that we are almost there I took my phone and started playing games before we reach home. We just reached home and he told me they're gonna be some paparazzi so I should be prepared I nodded not saying anything and when we came out there was light everywhere I couldn't keep my eyes open, I looked at zayn and he was smirking at the cameras the entrance was filled with paparazzi and the security's were everywhere trying to stop them. Zayn was walking with so much confidence I mean of course he is use to it. We finally got away from the paparazzi and we entered our new house and oh my God it's so big its like a castle I was staring in awe till zayn had to ruin the moment.

"Come on let's go or are you that lazy to walk to a house"

I went out the car and entered the house and it was even prettier inside.

"Your room is on the 3rd floor second room in your right" I nodded and went upstairs to the 3rd floor to my room and it's so lovely I entered the bathroom to freshen up and preform ablation to pray. I preformed the wudu and I went to the closet and it's so lovely and big everything is inside and placed where its supposed to be i carried a hijab and a prayer mat and I prayed.

I'm done with my prayer and I did my athkar and when i was done i went on a house tour. There was a gym, a ceiling living room, spa, pool, garage, downstairs living room, kitchen,laundry room,guest room and other room I wonder what it's for.

I went to my room but a few minutes later zayn called me and I went. He wanted to introduce me to the maids which are zainab, nadia, nafisa, Maria and sadia. I greeted them and they did the same they went to work and I went to my room, i was feeling a little hungry so i went downstairs to ask the maids if there is food and they said there is no food. I went to zayn's room to ask for money to give one of them to buy ingredients for food. I knocked but there was no reply I knocked again but still so I just entered. There was no one in the room i checked everywhere but still but I heared the shower on he having a bath right now. As I was about to leave i felt someone drag me and pinned me to the wall it was zayn obviously and he looked raging mad.

"What are you doing here!" He said harshly

"I c-came to ask you for money to give one of the maid to buy ingredients for food" I said stuttering.

"And you came inside without ny permission"

"No I knocked twice but there was no reply so I just entered" he let go of me and gave me his wallet.

"Dont you ever come inside my room without my permission do you hear me" he said harshly what's up with him.

"Y-yes" I left the room and when to their room and gave one of them I think zainab the money and she went to buy them. I went to my room waiting for her to come back but I fell asleep while waiting.


I woke up to the sound of the athan coming from my phone there is no mosque here so I set an alarm. I stood up and went to zayn's room as I was about to enter I remember he said I should knock so I did but as expected no reply so I just entered. I went to his bed and saw him sleeping he looks so peaceful when he is asleep. I tapped him three times but he still wouldn't wake up I tapped again and he hummed in annoyance.

"zayn it's time to pray fair"i said softly

"Kai mama give me 2 more minutes" he said I smiled at him and tapped him again

"Have you forgotten that you're now married wake up and pray" I said then he shot his eyes open looking at me

"Didn't I tell you to not come inside my room" he yelled

"I knocked you didn't answer what did you want me to do get a long stick to wake you up" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes

"You better watch your mouth as I'm being nice here, I never wanted this wedding I was forced"

"I was also forced to marry you not everything is about you" I just hissed then left the room slamming the door. I went to my room and prayed fajr then went back to sleep

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