chapter 2

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                          Ayan's pov
1 week later

"Ayan!" I heared my mom yell

"ayan wake up or we're going to miss our flight" she said.

As soon as i remembered that we are leaving today  i quickly stood up and went to the bathroom,i came out the bathroom after 30 mins of the shower i came out and dried my long silky hair then i went to my closet i picked a white t-shirt and a black jeans i went to the other side of my closet and picked a baby pink abaya and a matching veil.

I came out the closet and applyed cream on my body and wore my cloth after i wore my cloths i did a light make up then went downstairs and straight to the dinning area.

As soon as i sat down i greeted my parents

"Mama ina kwana,abba ina kwana" i said(good mourning mum and dad)

"lfy qlau" they both say in unision

"ke baki san yanda ake gaida yayan ki ba" ya arhaan said(hey dont you know how to greet your elder)

"why would i greet you? have you ever greeted me in your life? no you havent so let me eat my breakfast in peace because we both know that i will never greet you" i said as he sat there shocked.

"ne fa?" Khadijah said

"ina kwana ya khadijah" i said

"so now you're gonna greet her but you wont greet me?" Arhaan said i just smiled as i ate my food

"hurry up and eat we dont have time"abba said


After we finished eating we went to get our lauggages and went to the airport.

We just arrived at the airport and we have to wait till they call our flight,after 20 minutes we went on board to US and we took off.

Time skip...

We just arrived and we went outside of the airport and a car stopped infront of us and i saw this man around his late 50s inside the drivers seat "hop on" my dad said then we went inside we greeted him and he greeted us back then we went to our new house and apparently he is our driver.

We entered our house and saw multiple maides and i saw a little girl she was small in height,and she had a dark skin yet she was pretty i was wondering who she was

"yusra"i heared one of the maids say i guess her name is yusra.

The maids greeted us and we went upstairs, i went to a room i guess its mine since i saw my name on the door the walls were painted in baby pink and white, the closet by the side, a queen sized bed and in the opposite of the door its a bathroom. I went inside the bathroom and showered for exactly 30mins then i went out drying my hair.

i went to the closet and i saw that everything is inside and placed in order there's a side for my abayas, vail, jeans , tshirts and atamfa i went to get a black palazo and a white top i went outside applyed cream and wore my cloths i left my hair like that and didnt cover it. I layed down on my bed untill the yusrah girl came in

"ki je ki yimun sandwhich"she said (go and make sandwhich for me)

i stood there in disbelif on how she is ordering me around i just went downstairs following her to the kitchen since i still dont know the way around the house, i got the bread to make peanut butter sandwhich when i finished i gave it to her as soon as she took a bite she screamed

"don't you know i'm allergic to peanut" 

i stood there stunned at the tone she was using

"I'm sorry i'll make you another one"i said not wanting to cause trouble for the both of us i just made her another one and when i gave her she didnt even say thank you.

I went back to my room and saw that zubaida called twice so i immediately called her back she picked up after 2 rings

"hey whats up i saw that you called"i said

"kun taho?"


"how about tomorrow we meet each other" she said

"sure" i replied

After that we talked about other stuff and her brother,i always wonder who her brother is since i havent seen him once in my life before but i just shrugged it and i went to sleep because i was tired

I woke up by the sun hitting my face i got up from my bed and went to the bathroom i came out after a long period of time and went to the closet to pick my cloths i picked a light brown jeans,a dark brown short sleeved shirt and a coffee brown jacket with a matching veil. I came out of the closet applyed cream,wore my cloths before doing my make up i went for something natural so i applyed a little powder and lipgloss i picked my phone and went out just to find out the driver is already out waiting for me i hopped in the back seat and called zubaida

"ke ina kike?"(where are you) She asked

"gani nan zuwa i just left the house"

"toh i'm waiting for you"

I ended the call. After a few minutes i was walking to a café where zubaida said we should meet up untill i bumped into someone

"oh sorry i wasn't looking where i was going" i apologized and the person kept quite.

I looked at the person and i met eyes with the most handsome person i've ever seen. His light skin, dark brown eyes ,sharp jawline, curly hair that fell on his face and his face is just mashallah As we staired at eachothers eyes for a few minutes he finally spoke

"can't you see where you are going gosh now my clothe is ruined"

I was shoked at his words instead of aplogising he is shouting at me so i replied with the same tone

"well if you were looking you would have moved to the side instead of going straight so be both are at fault" I spoke "now if you excuse me i have somewhere to be"

i hissed then i entered the café as i was looking around i saw zubaida waving at me i immediately went to her

"omg gurl how are you its been so long" she said standing up to hug me which I gladly accept

"wallahi i'm fine"

"thats good"

" you dont know what just happened, so there was this fine person i bumped into but he was a complete jerk, like instead of him to say sorry he started shouting at me for ruining his clothes, that made me so pissed" i said

"bro you could have given him a peace of your mind"

"i just left it not wanting to cause trouble and it would be weired to find two people fighting infront of a cafe"


"andd.. i want you to meet my brother i asked him to come,he should be here by now, oh there he is ma sef" she said as she waved at someone i looked at the person with wide eyes as he came and sat dowm


To be continued..
Omg what do you think happend and who is this person even tho its obvious anyways i hope you liked it.

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