chaptet 12

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                      ???'s pov
"Kai don't you understand she is the perfect girl to go with the plan" i said.

"but what will you do with her since its the other girl you need" ??? Said.

"Kai you idiot we'll use her as bait if they don't come then we k!ll her" i said looking at the unbothered face infront of me.

"But before we k!ll her atleast lets have some fun she has the perfect face and body so she'll do" ??? Said slowly observing the girls body.

"Whatever u say" i sighed.

"Oya lets go" he said then we left the room.


"Have you figured out what you wanna do with the girl?" our boss asked

"Yes boss"i said lowering my head to show my respect.

"Aight tell me" he said looking at his phone.

"Ok so __________.

We exlained our plan to him and she looked at us with a serious face and we looked back at her with a cofused.

"What's wrong boss?" I asked


"I'm sorry boss but what are the consiquenses?" I said God i feel like an idiot before i could even react there was a gun pointed at my head.

"If you don't leave and think of a new plan by the end of the day i'll make you won't get to see the light of earth again" he said with nonchantly, i hurriedly went out the room looking pale and i have to think of a plan by the end of the day. God i have my life.

                      Ayan's pov

I woke up squinting my eyes not use to the light i blinked slowly ajusting to it i looked everwhere but i couldn't see anyone or anything it was just white everwhere was white.

"Hello?, is anyone there?" i said my voice echoing.

"Ayan!" I heared a sob coming from my right the voice sounded familier.

"Ayan is that you?" I heared again i looked to see who it was and there i saw it was ayra.

"Ayra are you okay? Where did you go to whatever what matters is that you're ok" i said giving ayra a hug.

"Ayan... help me" i look at her confused

"Please help me i'm trapped in this persons basement and i don't know where i am" ayra sobbed

"Ayra don't worry i'll find you i'll do whatever it takes to bring you back" i said ensuring her.

"But ayan i don't think you'll be here on time you only have a week before you find me" ayra said looking at me with red teary eyes.

"What do u mean only a week?" I asked but she kept quite.

"Ayra what do mean when you said only a week" i said with a serious tone but she still kept quite.

"Ayan i'm not here" "this is only your head" ayra whispered her voice fading.

"Help me before its too late. Help me before i die" ayra said and then she disapeared.

"Ayra?... AYRA" "AYRA" i kept calling her name but the only thing i heared was my voice echoing.

"AYRA" i woke up seeing everyone looking at me with hope in their eyes.

"Ayan you're awake"zuby said raising her head from the bed but i didn't care who was inside this room i NEED to save ayra. I removed the little wires on my body with everybody looking at me with wide eyes i attempted to stand but it couldn't my body was too week i tried again but still.

"Woah there ayan mai ki ke yi you just woke up" seema said when did she get here? Whatever.

What are you doing?

I ignored her and stood up again and i finally got up and i started to walk slowly i was about to leave the room but a body blocked the door, i looked at the person and it was zayn hey God what is he doing here.

"Move" i said with a faint voice but he ignored me and was still standing there.

"I said MOVE" i said with a little bit of anger in my voice but he still wouldn't budge. I tried pushing him but he was too strong expecially since i just woke up from my sleep.

"Kai ayan if you wan't to save ayra you would have to have some energy hmm" arhaan said. when i saw him i quickly went to hug him and he hugged me back instantly.

"Ya Arhaan"i sobbed

"shh don't cry" ya arhaan whispering to my ear i didn't really feel confortable with this much amount of people in this room. Arhaan looked at me then zayn, zayn nodded at arhaan and everone started to leave one by one the only people that stayed were khadijah,zuby,my friends and my patents ig arhaan told zayn tell everyone to leave. I continued crying to arhaan as he tried to confort me by rubbing my back and muttering some words in my ear and it worked it made me feel relaxed and before i knew it i fell asleep.

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