Chapter 27

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2 months later

Its been two months since I got married to zayn and he has been a good husband, he became nicer, he cares for me and I think I'm starting to fall in love with him but obviously I'm not going to tell him, well... I will but I have to wait for the right time. Right now I'm in our room yes, our room since the day he told me to he staying in his room I've been doing that but sometimes I use to stay in my room. I was watching tiktok on my phone waiting for zayn to come back from work, it's already 9:57 and he is still not back. Usually he comes back around 7 o'clock but I dont know why he is not back.

I was getting tired of waiting for him so I stood up to go to my room to get my pyjamas so that I can sleep. When i open the door i saw zayn standing there, I guess he was about to open the door but I did that first. He looks exhausted now I'm wondering what he was doing. I came back to reality totally forgetting that zayn was infront of me waiting for me to move so that he can enter.

"Sannu da dawo wa" I said gesturing him to enter

"Yauwa na gode"

I left the room giving him some privacy and went downstairs to heat up the food I did earlier and just as I was about to set the table, zayn entered. I served him his food and sat the opposite to him. I'm just gonna use my phone since I've already eaten.

"Aren't you gonna eat too?" He asks

"No I've already eaten" I said and he nodded.

When he was done with his food I Carried the plate to the kitchen and washed it. I went upstairs to my room and put on my pj's, when I was done I went to the room and laid down.

I was thinking of what made zayn randomly start being nice to me and when ever I ask he always says

"Its because I just want to become a nice husband"

But its obvious he is lying and what made me even more suspicious is that its when we went to his friends house that's when he started being nice to me.

My head started paining me and I don't know why but since the day before yesterday I've been feeling sick, I went to sleep thinking it'll go away.


Zayn's pov don't touch me. Get your hands away from me"

"Ya arhaan"

"Dont come any closer" I heared, I woke up immediately and looked to my right it was ayan. Recently, ayan has been getting these nightmares I dont know about and when I ask her she'll only say

"I'll tell you when its right"

I was about to wake her up till I felt her body was heating up, she is having a fever. I woke her up by tapping her and she immediately hugged me tight and started crying.

"Shh it's ok, he's not here" I said rubbing her back but she continued crying, as I continued comforting her, her sobs became lighter and lighter and before I knew it she went back to sleep.

I stood up and carried a clean cloth, I dipped it in cold water and put it one her head, I turned off the ac and checked the time it was 4:49 AM, its almost time for fajr.

I stayed up not going back to sleep and when they called fajr I went to the bathroom and performed wudu, when I came out I prayed my Salah and did my athkar. I was about to wake ayan up but I didn't, she needs to rest.

I went to the bathroom and bathed when I was done I went to my closet and picked out a suit. When I was done I went to check up on ayan, I guess she is feeling better because her temperature has reduced, i was about to leave to go to work but a hand stopped me

"Please, don't go" ayan said more like whisper, she was still sleeping...I think but her eyes were shut tight

"I'm not gonna leave you" I whispered back. I removed her hand from mine and went to my closet to change, when I was done i went to the bed and lie down. I picked up my phone from the side drawer and called my assistant Olivia to tell her I'm not gonna make it today and she picked up after 2 rings.

"Good morning sir"

"Hmm good morning, I want you to cancel all the schedules and meetings i have to attend today, I'm not coming"

"But sir the meetings are very important"

"Cant you hear I said cancel the meeting, something urgent came up" I yelled. She hummed in reply and ended the call.

I lie down on the bed and closed my eyes so that I can sleep and it worked.

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