Chapter 1 - Missing Memories

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Hi Everyone,

The long-awaited sequel to Skylar and Dmitri's journey continues in this book! I hope that it lives up to the expectation set in the first book. I plan on posting a chapter a week (Fridays) and will be releasing one or two chapters early on my Patreon account. If you are patient, then just wait for the chapters to be released on Wattpad. If you don't want to wait and would like to support me, find me here on Patreon

The plan is to have this book match the first book's word count of just over 100 000 words. It does contain some curse words and explicit sexual scenes. You have been warned here and you are not notified at the chapter start if it contains these items specifically.

I hope you enjoy the book. I do my best to edit fully before publishing but if I miss anything just let me know.

I am sensitive so don't leave horrible comments. If you don't have anything nice to say rather don't say anything. I will mute anyone who starts inappropriate conversations on sensitive topics such as who can have certain hairstyles, wear certain things, etc. This book is written with absolutely no bad intentions and is written to be enjoyed.

Please comment and vote, knowing that your words and votes are appreciated!


The gentle breeze cools my skin while the rays of the sun filter through the tree I am sitting under, its trunk making for a comfortable backrest. The open field in front of me is full of different colored wildflowers, bees doing what they do best as they move from one flower to another. If it wasn't for the breeze moving this scenery in front of me, you could almost imagine it was a large painting.

As pretty as this was, I could feel the prickling of my frustration in the back of my mind. It was constantly there. As constant as the eyes I could feel on me. If it wasn't his, then it was one of his warriors. Today, it was a warrior whose presence was felt somewhere off to the side of me, his werewolf scent hitting my nostrils as clearly as the wildflower's floral fragrance in the field. They keep their distance, but someone was always around. The lack of privacy had long ago started grating on my nerves. What was left of them.

Six months after what is referred to as The Incident by all those involved or in the know, I was different. My life was different. I could do things, smell things, and see things differently. And while I had gained these newfound abilities, or god forbid I use the word powers, I had lost something in the process. More memories gone. One year and fifty days, to be exact, vanished within a second.

The trade-off, apparently, thanks to that fucking curse.

'Released by love, the act is done,

Bitten, everything before now is none.

There but not, absence is felt,

Can be recovered, the end is dealt.'

While losing my memories as a child seemed almost bearable, I suppose due to the nature of children being adaptable and also not having a whole life of their own set up already, I was struggling with this loss. Though, since The Incident, small bits of those years before my parents' accident have started coming back to me.

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