Chapter 15 - Song

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I can see by the look Sky is giving me as she relays the details of her dream that she is uncomfortable, and I wonder now how much she is omitting. When she told Raina that she knew how to open the book, she had no choice really but to spill the details about how she knew.

I felt pleasure flooding our bond, especially just before she woke up. None of what she is saying alludes to anything that would cause that. Thus, I was suspecting it was left out on purpose. It was disturbing me to no end that she found pleasure from a source other than myself. Her mate. Her fiancé if we consider that we never officially broke off the engagement.

I avert my gaze, as hurt takes its place in my heart. If I wanted to, I could read her mind and hear what she was not telling me, but I didn't want to invade her privacy like that. I knew if she found out, and my emotions would no doubt give me away, the progress we had made so far would be wiped out.

My eyes land on Blaise who is looking at Sky with a smile on his face. Or was it a smirk? He looks at me, his face changing to questioning as I continue staring at him before looking at Raina. She too meets my gaze before looking back at Sky.

"So you just need to say some words and that is?" Raina asks, confusion and uncertainty in her voice. I suppose valid considering she was a powerful witch who had tried breaking the seal on the book with far more.

"It appears so. There is only one way to test it," Shy says, my gaze finally moving back to her.

She can tell I am not comfortable with the idea, but we have no other option.

"Fine. Let's do this," Blaise says cheerily, the first to get up as Ally and Raina follow, heading in the direction of the dining room table where the book lies in the middle.

I get up, Sky's words halting me in my steps as she rises.

"Dmitri, it will be okay. And thank you for looking after me while I was passed out," Sky says, giving me a small smile.

"You don't need to thank me, Skylar. We are bound, true mates. While it seems you have forgotten how that feels, I haven't. I will be there for you. I won't ever leave you. No matter what." The words are harsher than I meant them to be but the hurt I feel was spilling out of me.

"I don't know what to say, Dmitri. I can tell you are hurt but I don't know what to do about it. I didn't ask for any of this," she says gesturing in the air all around us, "but it has happened, and I am just as confused and hurt as you are."

"Are you? Who was turning you on in the dream Skylar? It didn't sound like it had anything to do with me. How can you be confused about something you haven't even given a chance? I'm not a dream but I sure as hell am more real than whatever is happening in your mind," I step forward, putting her hand on my heart.

"You can feel it as well as you can hear it. It only beats for you. Stop pushing me away and give me another chance. We fell in love once, we can fall in love again." I pull her close, my hand snaking around her waist, her hands on my chest. "Please, Skylar."

I'm well aware that I am begging but it feels like I am losing her.

"Dmitri..." It's all she says, her neck craning back to look at me.

Scared that she is going to reject me, I speak before she has a chance.

"Go on a date with me. Tomorrow night. I'll fetch you at seven from your place. Just a date, that's all I'm asking." I hold my breath, her eyes holding mine as she thinks.

"Fine. A date. Tomorrow night." The smile on my face starts small but then just becomes a big grin that I cannot get rid of.

She looks down but I see a smile on her face as her cheeks turn pink.

We are interrupted by footsteps that approach, stop, and then appear to be leaving.

"Ally, it's fine," I say, sensing her embarrassment at having interrupted the moment we were having.

"Sorry guys," she says, turning back around. "We were just wondering where you were, um, whenever you are ready. Take your time." She smiles at us awkwardly. Her eyes darting from mine down to Sky and back to mine.

I release Sky, her cheeks still flushed, as she and I make our way to the dining room table, Ally leading the way.

"Okay. So, these words. What exactly are they?" Raina asks after we all take our seats.

"So it's not exactly words as much as it is a song." Sky's words are cryptic, leaving us all looking at her and then at each other questioningly.

"You might know that I wasn't able to remember my parents and anything that happened before the accident. The doctors called it dissociative amnesia. Well, since The Incident, bits and pieces of memories have been surfacing from my childhood. Luckily not the day that I learned they had died but other memories. Memories of my mother and gran singing a song to me when I was little. They called it old folklore. It's not a language I'm familiar with but I know the words regardless as they sang it often enough."

Sky looks around at us all before looking at the book. Just when I thought I knew Sky and all she was capable of, she surprises me yet again. She starts singing, her voice melodic and in tune. She closes her eyes as she sings the song, its tone and tenor, sad and yearning. I recognize the language as the old witch's tongue.

It is a song about a woman who falls in love with a man. A man that her mother doesn't approve of. A man that is different. But instead of resisting her mother's disapproval, she gives in, their love torn apart. The pain is so unbearable that they decide that if they cannot be together in life, they will be together in death, traversing the afterworld and any new lives together. Forever bound to one another.

I look at Raina and Ally who are staring at Sky dumbstruck. They know what is being sung and they too are as surprised as I am. The only one who doesn't seem shocked is Blaise, who just continues smiling his usual smile while he looks at Sky. He was so oblivious I wondered if Raina's confidence in him was perhaps misplaced.

Sky opens her eyes, tears and emotion evident in them as she sings the last verse. The sound of the latch popping open resonates around the room, all eyes darting to the book. Sky has unlocked it. Was it possible it was bound with a memory? Her memory. How then was it dark magic, I thought, looking at Sky.

The tears in her eyes that she is clearly holding back make me want to pull her to me and console her, but I resist. Instead, I put my big hand on hers.

"You sang beautifully Skylar. Are you okay?"

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Amongs all the dark in the world strive to be the light :)

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