Chapter 23 - Second First Time

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"I can smell you, Skylar." The words have an effect on me stronger than my dream, leaving me shivering even though I feel like I am on fire.

"I can also hear you. Your thoughts are loud and strong." Dmitri takes a step towards me slowly, as I imagine a predator would when stalking its prey.

"It's not a good idea for us to be alone together while you are in your heat," he says, his eyes turning back to green before turning black again. "It's difficult for me to be around you and I don't want to ruin the progress we have made so far."

His words and his actions are conflicting, just like his eye color. He takes another step toward me but still, I do not move. I would be lying if I said part of me wants to. At this moment in time, I wanted to be nowhere else but here with Dmitri. He is absolutely gorgeous. His tousled hair is sexy and the way his muscles respond to every move of his body, clenching and releasing, makes me want to touch them.

His dick is another story altogether. I wonder how I fitted it all into me, the size bigger than any I can remember seeing in person before. He puts the erect in erection.

"You should leave before it's too late," he says, another step placing him nearly within reach.

"What if I don't want to." The words leave my mouth without thinking, the honesty in them surprising, even to him.

"You might regret this later Skylar. It's the heat doing this. What if tomorrow you wake up and think you shouldn't have done this or that I took advantage of you?"

"I'm horny Dmitri, not insane. I know what I am doing and what I am thinking, and no one is forcing anyone. I mean, I want to. You clearly want to," I say blushing as I gesture to his nether region, "so why not."

We stand looking at each other for a moment before I take a step forward, closing the distance between us. I had never seduced a man before. Tonight would be the first for many things. I had to take control of this or else he would be angry with himself tomorrow, thinking I was somehow forced into this. He is still hesitating, holding back, battling himself. I needed to nudge him over the edge.

My hands slowly rise as I place them on his chest, my head leaning back as I look at him, his eyes closing as I run my hands over his pecs. My nails gently graze his nipples, running down his abs as I move them around his waist. The feel of the top of his ass is exquisite, before I cup his cheeks fully, pulling him closer to me. His dick pokes my stomach which has his breath hitching before his eyes open, their blackness pulling me in. He is like the devil, making me want to do naughty things.

Swiftly, his arm moves around me, cupping my ass as he forces me up, my legs straddling his waist. This position has us almost lined up and I can feel his head close to my entrance. His face burrows into my neck, and as I lift the hair up and to the back, he latches onto my mark, the sensation leaving me heady as he licks and sucks. He is moving forwards, towards my jeep. His one hand lifts the tarp covering the hood of the car, tossing it to the side.

"Lie back," he commands, his hand still holding me under my ass. I do as he says, lowering my back onto the hood of the Jeep, the cold metal cooling against my heated skin.

He hooks my one leg over his shoulder while the other he holds up, his mouth slowly moving towards my inner thigh as he stares at me. It's so erotic and the anticipation of his mouth meeting my leg is so intense I fear I may orgasm right there. When it does it's magnificent, the way he sucks and licks his way up my leg as he stares at me has me squirming, my juices flowing as my vagina contracts in excitement.

His head lifts briefly as he breathes in deeply, his eyes closing as if he is savoring the moment before they open. I feel his beard scrape against my inner thigh as his tongue finds what it is looking for, flattening out as he licks between my lips, sucking my clit as he gets to the top before repeating. The roughness of his tongue, coupled with the sucking of my clit has me using my legs to pull him forward, the intensity demanding more as the need for release builds.

The insertion of a large finger is all that is needed to send me over the edge, his name falling from my lips as my whole body tenses and releases, my vagina relaxing again after seconds tick by. Dmitri's finger which until now has remained still starts moving inside me as his mouth moves up my body, small kisses placed as he goes along until he gets to his destination. His mouth latches onto my right nipple, my hands intertwining with his hair as he sucks and nibbles. Coupled with the pumping of his hand as he inserts another finger, the feeling is mind-blowing.

Without warning, he removes his fingers, the emptiness making me moan out in protest as I beg him for more.

"Please Dmitri," I say, the words causing him to pull me forward once again, my legs straddling his waist as he looks at me. His other hand is in my hair, holding me in place as his lips latch onto mine, the kiss exquisitely soft. He kisses me long and deep, the feeling of my breasts pressed up against his body is perfection. His lips leave mine as I gasp for air, his mouth once again finding my mating mark as I feel him at my entrance.

He lowers me down slowly onto his large rock-hard dick, my legs moving around him as I shift to accommodate him. As he slides further into me, the feel of my walls stretching, and the intense sparks have me throwing my head back.

"Fuck Skylar. You feel so fucking good." He growls out, his voice strained as he holds back from just pummelling into me. A thought I'm not entirely opposed to, I realize.

He lowers me down further, thrusting into me as I gasp, his length now fully inside me. His hands on my ass lift me, sliding me up until we get to the tip before thrusting back into me. He lifts me back up again before I thrust myself down hard, his length and size hitting a spot deep inside me that has me moaning out, "harder Dmitri."

As if given the go-ahead he holds me in place as he pumps into me, the sound of my juices and flesh hitting flesh as he drills into me, making the situation even more erotic. He fucks me harder and faster, my calls for more unashamedly ringing out in the room as I grasp onto his shoulders, the feeling of the orgasm I am on the edge of growing and growing. As he bites into my neck my orgasm bursts forth, my body contracting as I call out his name. He releases my neck as he continues pumping into me, the twitch of his dick inside me telling me his release is close.

Without thinking I find myself following suit as I bite his neck, the feeling of my teeth elongating not registering in the sweet euphoria of the orgasm that seems to be drawn out of me again. My name is growled out into the space around us as he finds his release inside me, his arm holding me tight as we cling to each other. If this is what sex felt like for the second first time, then my first time must have been amazing.

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Merry Christmas all my beautiful people! 

Finally, these two have given in to their desires, lets see where this takes them ;)

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