Chapter 35 - Mira

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My mind is struggling to comprehend exactly what is happening. My traditional view of a wedding left me in awe of what I was witnessing. Perhaps it was also just the extravagance of this occasion that was blowing my mind.

Dmitri is rich, very rich as I understand it, but he is subtle about it. With Andrea, there was no doubt that money was in abundance. The hall we were in easily sat five hundred people. Or beings, I correct myself. There was a large stage in the front, with a walkway coming down the middle as if we were at a concert. A large big screen at the back displayed what was occurring on the stage so that all could see.

Not that we needed it. We were seated right at a table in the front.

Andrea is standing on the stage with what must be his brother, the resemblance unmistakable. Both are 6'1" with brown hair and black eyes. Andreas' hair is ruffled and longer than his brother next to him who had his hair neatly cut and styled. Both are in exquisite black suits, the only thing setting them apart is the white shirt his brother wears while Andrea has a black shirt and waistcoat on.

I wonder what my initial impression of him had been, the memory lost to me. My current impression is that he appears cocky and arrogant, the smug smirk on his face reinforcing that as his brother whispers something to him. His expression though morphs into one of pure adoration and love as my eyes dart over to the person who has just walked onto the stage.

My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see the woman approaching Andrea, her beauty and the dress she is wearing earn many gasps and whispered compliments from the room. How she manages to carry such an exquisite dress is impressive considering her stature. I thought myself short at 5'5" but this woman must only be around 5'3". Her jet-black hair matches her wedding dress, the traditional white nowhere to be seen. It in no way pales in comparison though, with the bottom of her dress comprising hitched layered pieces of satin black fabric. It was pinned at sporadic intervals making the bottom half of the dress look like an upside-down black rose flower.

The top half was a lace bodice with sleeve straps that hung loosely off her shoulders. The bodice accentuated her tiny waist and ample breasts, the vision Andrea was hungrily drinking in as she approached him. Her long black hair was piled on the top of her head, stylishly messy with a piece of lace positioned along her hairline, the v of the lace slightly covering her forehead. Her makeup was dark, her lips as red as the dress I was wearing. She wore no jewelry except for two dainty black earrings in each ear. None were needed with her outfit which already spoke volumes.

Her face holds no shyness or embarrassment as I feel mine would. Instead, her eyes are focused on Andrea, her face holding no emotion except for the whisp of a smile on her lips. It was entirely possible that I had a lady boner for this woman. If I was another way inclined, she would definitely be my cup of tea.

While some things were not traditional, others were and the ceremony continued with the same traditional exchanging of vows and I do's. However, just before the usual kissing of the bride by the groom, Andrea leans Mira back in his arm, her face moving to the side as his teeth elongate. In a swift movement, he bites into Mira's neck, her eyes closing not in pain, but ecstasy as he drinks some of her blood. I can't avert my gaze as I watch them, wondering if this is how Dmitri and I look when we mark each other.

My thoughts go back to the time in the forest when I partially transformed into a Lycan, marking Dmitri as my mate. I remember the feel of my teeth elongating and the way his blood tasted on my tongue, the iron taste and warmth shockingly not unpleasant. It just occurs to me that while his bite leaves four small scars on my skin, from both his upper and lower teeth, mine only leave two, similar to the ones left on Mira's skin by Andrea, the large screen behind them almost zooming in on the spot.

The thought of me actually enjoying the taste of the blood is starting to make me physically queasy, my stomach churning its contents. Just in time too, as the ceremony ends, the happy couple walking off the stage.

I need to get to the bathroom asap.

"Excuse me, Dmitri, I'm going to the ladies," I tell him, trying to keep my voice steady while keeping the plastered-on smile from faltering.

"Okay," he says hesitating as he studies my face. "You okay Skylar?" He asks, his brows slightly frowning as he awaits my response.

"I'm fine, really," I say, giving his hand on the table a squeeze before I get up and head in the direction of the entrance we came in through. Thankfully, I noticed the sign for the ladies there earlier, I just hoped not everyone had the same idea as we are given this brief pause from the activities.

The queasy feeling continues as I head out the door, the strong scent of the meaty appetizers passing me as they are being brought to the tables by a large number of waiters further instigating the nausea I feel bubbling up.

There are not many people out in the entrance section thankfully as I nearly run to the bathroom, pushing the door open with more force than I intended as I make it to a stall just in time. Shutting the door behind me I bend over the toilet, the contents of my stomach emptying into the bleached white porcelain toilet. Even the toilets looked like they had just been put in, that's how clean they are. The thought crosses my mind of a movie I once saw where a guy was holding a straw in the toilet water, ready to drink the water he was so confident in his cleaning skill.

I grab a piece of toilet paper, wiping my mouth before throwing it in the toilet. I give the surrounding bowl area a courtesy wipe before flushing the evidence of my thoughts about blood down the toilet.

Smoothing my dress down and taking a deep breath I head out of the stall. Not expecting to see anyone, I nearly jump out of my skin when no other than Mira is standing by the washbasin. She is even more beautiful this close.

"Geez, you gave me a fright," I say, smiling at her as my eyes meet hers in the reflection of the mirror.

I head over to the basin next to her, washing my hands thoroughly before cupping some water and rinsing my mouth out. Dmitri's keen sense would no doubt smell the acid scent on my breath. Fuck. Hopefully the smell of the food would be overwhelming enough and buy me time so that I could take a sip of wine or something.

"You alright?" The gentle voice that is Mira's is surprising against the black outfit, dark makeup, and somewhat stern expression on her face.

"I'm fine thank you. Must be something I ate and stress maybe," I say, laughing. There was no way I was going to tell her that watching her husband munch on her neck brought on traumatic memories of me liking the taste of blood, leading to my vomiting session.

She gives me a small nod of her head, her pursed lips and drawn-down eyebrows telling me she doesn't believe a word I say.

"Oh, congratulations on your wedding!" I say louder than I should in this place where sound echoes.

"Thank you. You must be Sky. I saw you sitting with Dmitri so I assumed. I hope correctly?" She asks, a small smile on her face.

I nod in agreement, our interaction interrupted as Raina enters the bathroom.

"There you are. You were taking so long that Dmitri sent me as the search part. Two for one. Mira, Andrea is also looking for you," Raina says, looking from me to Mira with a huge grin.

"We were just on our way," Mira says, giving me a long look before she heads towards the bathroom door, Raina moving out of the way so that her huge dress can pass through. I hope she doesn't mention what happened in the bathroom. I didn't want any drama.

From what I heard about the time I can't remember, evenings like this usually ended in disaster. Perhaps I could rewrite history and have an event end without me bursting into flames or my mate rejecting me for a fake one. Holding onto that thought I exit the bathroom, willing this evening to go off without a hitch. 

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