Chapter 21 - Unbearable

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"What was that?" My eyes dart to the window as another howl pierces the silence. It's calling me. I can feel it.

"Your eyes Sky, and your hands," Raina says, from the chair next to my bed.

Holding my hands up, there is white fur covering the back of them, claws extending as we watch.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" I ask Raina, panicking.

"They are changing between black and hazel." Raina is staring at me curiously.

"It's the heat, it can bring out the animal in us," Rene says, entering the room with an ice-cold glass of water in her hand.

The condensation on the side of the glass has my mouth salivating. She hands it to me, the glass empty seconds later. Fuck I was thirsty. Amongst other things.

When Dmitri had said 'I can smell you Skylar', the words nearly sent me over the edge. Five little words that had me gushing. They felt familiar at the time like I had heard them before. And fuck if it wasn't sexy when said in a slightly Russian-accented voice and coming from a sexy man-beast. Thoughts of running my hands up Dmitri's abs and over his pecs have me blushing and getting hotter. And wetter. The energy in me almost crackled.

"Um, earth to Sky?" Rene says loudly, my head snapping to her as my blush intensifies like I have been caught red-handed.

"I'm sorry. I'm feeling strange...and having some strange thoughts," I say honestly, looking from Rene to Raina.

"Sexual thoughts?" Rene's tone is gentle, and she is giving me a small smile.

"Very," is the only response I muster.

"You know the purpose of a heat right?" I nod, not so oblivious that I don't know that animals have a heat as a way of attracting a mate and for breeding.

"Well, you have a mate. So, it's not unusual that you might be feeling sexual urges towards said mate during your heat. Usually, I have wild fantasies about shagging Ivan all over the place when I'm on heat, and then we try re-enacting them in real life or make new ones," she says smiling and winking at me.

Rene being a werewolf and having a mate came as a shock to me after The Incident, one of the many surprises I was dealt with over the course of the days following the breaking of the curse. My memories of her are of our time together at Sky's Naturals, this vegan, flower-power woman who loves plants as much as I do. That was all shattered when she came clean about how she had been placed there by her original packs Alpha to keep an eye on me in case I was helping hunters.

The rest seemed to be true though, causing quite a stir in the community as Rene seemed to be the first vegan werewolf. Admittedly, not fully. When she shifts her werewolf apparently goes insane, eating every animal in sight. She says it is like it makes up for the weeks and weeks of no meat in one night.

Needless to say, I begrudged her for the betrayal I had felt and only started to let her back in my life a few days ago. Something I wish I'd done earlier actually as I still enjoyed her company and felt a kindred spirit with her.

"This is not what you want to hear but unless you find some sort of release, you're just going to feel worse. More frustrated. Like, I turn into a monster if Ivan isn't around, and I don't get satisfied." Rene's words do little to comfort me, the anxiety at feeling so...on the edge all the time is already too much.

Ally's soft footsteps as she comes through the bedroom door have me looking at her hopefully. She has been busy mixing a sedative, hopefully, strong enough to knock me out for days until this was over.

"It's ready. I just hope you don't burn through it at the rate your body temperature is rising." She hands me the small teacup containing the mixture. There are small bits of leaves floating on the top and some black bits at the bottom of the green liquid. It smells like lemon. I expected it to maybe be viler smelling.

"Dmitri told me off after the Spain trip for the rancid smell of the tea I prepared for you then, so I tried to make this one more palatable," she says chuckling. Not something I remember but I am grateful nonetheless for Dmitri's thoughtfulness. Mmmmm, Dmitri. Shaking my head as my thoughts head South, I down the tea, even more resolute that it must work.

"I can smell you, Skylar." Unearthly green eyes explore my body, a large hand moving along my waist, upwards, the thumb just grazing the outer edge of my breast. Warm breath fans the hard nipple before the cool air is replaced with a warm wet mouth. The tongue circles my nipple leisurely, before rolling it gently between teeth, the action causing pressure to build in the pit of my stomach and move downwards. The sucking and pulling action has my hand snaking into the off-white hair as my back lifts off the bed, pulling him closer still.

His other hand not content to stand by idly is running up my thigh painstakingly slowly, the thumb trailing lightly up the outside of the material of my panties, grazing my sensitive clit. The action has me lifting my ass off the bed as his hand pushes my hip back down, followed by his lower area grinding against mine. I can feel the hard length of his cock rubbing against my clit, the feeling pushing a moan out of my mouth.

"Sky, wake up!" Fuck, why is someone shouting so loud? And interrupting something so exquisite. Raina? Opening my eyes is an effort. It must be Ally's tea. I try again, the results the same.

"Skylar." It's almost a growl, but I would know that voice anywhere and only one person I know calls me that. Dmitri.

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