Chapter 12 - Body

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Dmitri searched the entire place and even had patrols scouring the immediate area but nothing was found. It couldn't be a coincidence that both Raina and I sensed a presence with us in the mortuary when we went to view the body.

Chris. Lying on the steel table, almost unrecognizable Ally says. His flesh seemed devoid of moisture as if his body was weeks dead rather than a day as per the autopsy. From what I gather, his hair before had been black with grey speckles. It was white. Whiter than Dmitri's hair. Luckily his eyes were closed.

I am grateful I don't remember him, with my only feelings towards this body being the same as someone looking at a stranger who has been killed horrendously. I didn't wish this on him, even after what Ally and Raina told me about him and how he had wilfully infiltrated my life and tried to make me dependent on him. To be honest, I had thought at one point that he was the hooded figure from my dream.

That was, up until just moments ago. I felt that strange presence at the back of the room, the feeling of eyes on me so strong that I ended up whispering my concern to Dmitri. A couple of seconds later I heard a laugh as if coming from a long distance away. Even with Dmitri's hearing, he did not hear it, making me wonder if I had imagined it. Thankfully Raina too had sensed what I had else I would really appear to be losing it.

I jump out of my seat as a small hand appears on my shoulder, Ally looks at me apologetically as she stands beside me. I have been standing outside on my porch, leaning against the frame. The tea in my hand is tepid, its contents landing on the sand outside with a plop as I throw what's remaining in the cup out.

"You okay Sky?" Ally's calming voice makes the question more palatable though my answer is uncertain. I shrug my shoulders, my eyes going back to the gorgeous sunset painting the horizon.

"It is beautiful, isn't it? We do tend to forget to stop and smell the roses," Ally says smiling as she moves to take a seat on one of the chairs next to the wooden railing.

"Dmitri called. He says he will be over later with Blaise, Raina, and the book that we found amongst Gael's things."

The book. The book that may hold the answer to all this chaos that finds me at the center.

"Blaise and Raina have a theory about the book, one that involves you. They may know of a way to open it. I just want you to be prepared Sky. I know we are all hoping that this is the book containing the Legend, but it may not be. And I don't want to see you getting hurt if it isn't," Ally says, grabbing my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze, which I return before she drops it.

Ben left earlier, leaving Ally and myself alone for most of the day while Dmitri, Raina, and Blaise had been busy. I assume with making sure the pack was secure. I had to admit, I enjoyed the company. Ally was non-intrusive and quiet, with comfortable silences stretching between us as we drank tea, read books, or walked outside.

A noise to my left has both my head and Ally's snapping to the side just as Dylan comes into view. We should be used to this by now, the number of patrols almost tripling as Dmitri's paranoia about my safety inched steadily upwards.

"Dylan," I say, nodding my head in acknowledgment.

"Sky, Ally. How's it going?" he asks, giving us one of his gorgeous smiles. He is a good-looking werewolf. I was convinced he was the doppelganger for Ian Somerhalder, just more muscular.

"As usual Dylan. You want some coffee?" I ask, extending the offer to Ally as I head inside to make three cups. Dylan and I would often enjoy a cup of coffee together, me slowly opening up to him while he had no problem confiding in me. I know this made Dmitri jealous. I could sometimes feel his presence in the distance followed by the feeling seeping through the bond. 

Little did he know that I was definitely not Dylan's type. Dylan's type having an appendage I lacked, and a flat chest sprinkled lightly with hair and a beard to match. A beard like Dmitri sometimes had when he hadn't shaved for days. I saw the way Dylan looked at Dmitri like a snack he wanted to savor. I could understand how Dmitri missed the signs. Dylan was as subtle with his attention as the letter t was in rapport.

I finish making the coffee and head outside with the tray, just as Dmitri's SUV pulls up to the house, stopping a short distance away. Putting the tray down, I hand Dylan and Ally their coffee as I take my own and sit down in a chair opposite Ally, Dylan leaning on the wooden railing outside. He straightens up when Dmitri gets out of the vehicle, his eyes focused on Dmitri while Dmitri's eyes are focused on me. Poor guy.

Raina exits the back seat while another person, who I assume to be Blaise, exits the passenger seat. Blaise is 5'9", lean, with brown hair and brown eyes. He is average looking, giving off the boy next door vibe, just older. He is wearing jeans and a shirt, not the clothes I had in mind when Raina told me he is a warlock. But to be fair, my preconceived ideas of how supernatural's dress and behaved differed greatly from books I had read.

They make their way over to us, Dmitri giving Dylan a brief nod. Dylan swallows his coffee down in a couple of gulps, leaving me wondering how the scalding liquid hasn't burnt his throat to bits before he disappears.

Raina makes her way onto the porch, her arms going around Ally. She is very affectionate towards Ally as opposed to literally anyone else.

Dmitri comes up the stairs, Blaise by his side. Stopping in front of me, my neck craning up to look at him. He smirks, taking a step back before indicating toward Blaise.

"Blaise, Sky. Sky, Blaise. Now. Can we get something to eat before anything else?" As he says that a delivery vehicle pulls up. My eyes take in the delicious picture of pizza on the side, my stomach growling out loud as my mouth salivates. I look at him, a knowing smile on his face. 

Earlier today two people arrived at my house, 'Alphas orders', they said as they brought in grocery bag after grocery bag. After many protests on my part and Ally's insistence that I leave them, they went about unpacking everything, leaving promptly thereafter. I had so much food I was spoilt for choice.

The blush on my cheeks makes this gorgeous man in front of me smile, his eyes flitting over my face briefly before I get up and head inside. His attention towards me was having a strange effect, especially since yesterday after I munched on his neck. He was stirring feelings in me. When he had gotten out of the car, my heart skipped a beat and I felt... happy to see him. Usually, I just felt irritated. Maybe there was still hope for the old me.

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Bit of a slow chapter but  sometimes they are necessary :) And lets welcome the new guy, Blaise.

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